One Quiet Birthday among Millions of Unwanted Birthdays
The title of this column refers to words which (depending on how they are used) have lost all purpose if they do not fit into the PC mentality of the day. For example, MORALITY means, (from the dictionary) conformity to the rules of RIGHT conduct; moral or virtuous conduct or virtuous in sexual matters; chastity. DECENCY means, conformity to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc. DIGNITY means a sign or token of RESPECT (if you do not know what the meaning of the word RESPECT is, please look it up.)
The United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, imbued with the secular wisdom of the 21st century, has decided that a suburban Chicago High School is denying a "transgendered" student his/her rights because it does not provide "full access" for him/her in the girl's locker room. (I am using the pronouns, he & she or him & her because the individual who insists he/she is a female has male genitalia.) And, just so you know that I sympathize with "Gender Identity Disorder", the highlighted link is to my post on the subject from July of 2014.
The student in question is allowed to use his/her'sgender-identified locker. He/she is simply asked to shower behind a curtain in a shower stall provided forhis/her use. It seems to me this is as accommodating and as reasonable as you can get. The person has decided that they are a girl but has a man's body parts. The student in question stated, "The district policy stigmatized me, often making me feel like I was not a "normal" person." Sadly, my friend, even though the Government of the United States of America has decreed you are "normal", you are NOT. Therein lies this great dilemma. Why should teenage girls be subjected to being exposed to this aberration?
After the individual complained that he/she was not treated fairly, the Feds stepped in and decided that his/her Title IX rights were violated by not allowing him/her "full access" to the locker room. It followed that the school district has been threatened by the Feds and, if the district does not comply with their "non-discrimination" rules, it could face a criminal investigation and lose up to $6 million in federal money. This is where we see MORALITY, DECENCY, DIGNITY, and RESPECT washed down the drains of those shower stalls.
Is there not common decency in play here? Is there no "two-way street"? Is everyone who claims some kind of anatomical, sexual or gender-preferred existence a VICTIM? Do not these other girls deserve the right to their own personal dignity? Where is the simple thread of common decency? It is obvious that the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Office has thrown the word Respect onto the trash heap of words abhorred by the PC community. How easy will it be for some teenage boys to get together and decide that one of them should claim "transgenderism", dress up like a girl and demand to go into the girls' locker room and get naked. The guy could slap on a wig and claim he is "transgendering". It would be their greatest prank of the school year. Also, are not these young women being put at risk to become victims of sexual deviancy and/or abuse whether it be emotional, psychological or physical?
This entire concept of "me, me, me" and "my feelings" has somehow captured the imagination of the fools in power who never looked in the dictionary to see what the word NO meant. Either that or they do not give a damn because the only thing that matters is their ideology. A person who is a male is NOT a female and a person who is a female is NOT a male. Just saying so and expecting others to accept it is unreasonable, to say the least.
Gender Identity Disorder (now called Gender Dysphoria) can be a serious problem for those who truly have this condition. If they are having a problem understanding the gender they have been born into, there are medical and psychological pathways available to help guide them on their transformative journeys. The federal government, under the Obama administration, cares nothing about all the other Americans boys, girls, men and women who consider themselves boys, girls, men and women...oh yes, and also identify as heterosexual. The fact is, we all have rights, each and every one of us. The heavy handed methods of persuasion that the Feds are using is opening up an entire pathway for the abusive and deviant to ply their evil.
All the school wanted the student to do was shower behind a curtain. They reasonably addressed a complex situation and dealt with it in a logical and understanding manner. Then the federal government got involved.
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