How often do we look with disdain on the faults of others?
A time of silence within the mind of writers
Sometimes we who create prose may be confronted with doubts as we pen the words that come and go deep within our psyche. Unless any of us is preparing a document regarding a specific issue and has all the data before us, it takes patience and trust in the Holy Spirit to assist our ability in planning a pattern of meaningful paragraphs.
As we all know, that is each of us preparing an article that contains information regarding a specific eye opener, the interest it may present takes more than just typing words. The very essence of any basic item must have a path to reach into if the reader is to share the thrust of our efforts. Belief in yourself must be first.
On the world stage, in this current century, turmoil is opening up on almost every nation across the globe. Humanity is being confronted by factions of too many non-believers in God, and we are becoming the pawns on a chess board that has just one winner to control all other board games. These games are being played in an atmosphere where the losers are still in the game of their choice. No one is a loser to the extent of becoming ostracized or pushed out of the group of participants. The game is played out on islands as far as all continents can be considered since all masses of nations are surrounded by water at one or more points on the globe. This separation by oceans or large bodies of water used to mean we were safe from enemies who could not reach us. However, for nations who once were safe even from attacks by air have proven to be false. Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. New York, Washington DC and Shanksville, PA September 11, 2011. With those attacks humanity discovered the ramparts of any nation were now obsolete.
This brings me to the crux of this writing. Recently a TV evangelist has been teaching on the Prophet Daniel, with references to Revelation, and other ministers speaking of the last days. Throughout history there have been people warning us of the upcoming rapture, the battle of Armageddon, and the world-wide war we may be facing very soon. There always existed signs but with little visual guarantees of an imminent attack or scripture coming alive with all its prophecies.
However, it isn’t just climatic events that are part of iminency, it is the evil being presented through so many nations becoming bed-fellows as an old cliche, and the end result is going to be the one world leader (the antichrist) and the proponents spelled out in the Apocalypse.
We are on the edge of humanity, and the very spectrum of all science, astrology, theology, and the full understanding of God’s wrath for some and his forgiveness for the rest. We cannot forget that in the midst of all this finality is God. The bible is a library of guides to our future and the world that will be the glorious victory of believers, and the adherence to the Truth Christ called himself. “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.” “ No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jn. 14: 6). The Silence has disappeared; the Truth is ours to live.
Ralph B. Hathaw