Why Doesn't God step in and Eliminate all our Suffering?
On the Eve of transition into peace we feel the presence of God
It is during the last moments of our human life that all that has occurred during the waking challenges of existence begins to take shape and creates a visible sign for us to experience. This is a possibility of what may await our departure from life here to life beyond the grave.
No one can even remotely imagine what awaits us as an angel has our hand in its grasp and pulls our soul close to its breast, a sign of motherly comfort. Will we spiritually be able to view where we are? Floating into a realm of emptiness, or a place of welcoming entities all of which know us and are waiting for our arrival.
When in all of this planned occurrence will our now detached soul find God? Is there to be a quick presence in front of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, to whom we must appear for a judgment?
Questions that in our lifetime may have been discussed many times without any possible answers, that now our minds might be able to ascertain. Our one certain reality is we have arrived to where all who went before us may already be, or have moved on to their final destination.
Now another pondering query confronts us; Is where we have arrived at, is it an actual place like an address, or is it a mind encompassing existence with structures that look like things, but are not what we imagined?
Since we each had the opportunity to seek forgiveness when on earth, and also to evangelize once we found God’s mercy, would that be a plus in our awaiting judgment? And what about those we loved who rejected God’s mercy and thought it to be just words without substance? Where will they be once their eyes close for the last time?
How about the many people we never found forgiveness with, be it theirs or my fault in serious confrontations? Can I now seek forgiveness from them, or forgive them for unanswered pleas?
And, what about multiple marriages and divorces? Of course, that was already answered by Jesus. “Are you not misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God? When they rise from the dead (regarding the Sadducees unbelief or the resurrection) they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they are like the angels in heaven.”
Mk 12: 24 - 25). At least one question that may pervade our questing desire to know.
No doubt we all have the desire to know presently regarding the unknown. About answers to mysteries of God, we may experience somewhere in eternity, if that really will be as important as securely receiving the Love of the Holy Trinity. But, all these other human aspects that are only from the apex of inquisitiveness we may find they matter little in the finality of life.
Ralph B. Hathaway