The Battleground: The Human Soul - Our Lady of La Salette Speaks
As women, we are temples of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean to be God’s temple? To be a living reflection of The Church? To be a woman, to be the vessel that encloses the Living God within us. To be a woman is to have the ability to hold life, what does this sacred mission reveal to us? What does our femininity tell us? In looking at our femininity in God's light, proper reverence given unto our womanhood becomes clear and necessary. Being a woman is a spiritual experience, our capacity to grow life and bring forth beauty; springs up from our souls, beckoning us to echo eternal truths to a world in need of truth, goodness, and beauty. God’s calling His women to mirror the transcendentals.
In studying the theology of our body, we can find the hidden truth of “the body deserves to be treated with the same reverence as the chalice at Mass.” A life lived in God-given reverence, is a life lived as God intended. Upon receiving Holy Communion, the Blood of Christ is contained within us, and thus we become like the Chalice at Mass, holding within us the Sacred Blood of Our Lord, that was poured out for our sake.
If our body resembles The Chalice, anything less than reverence given unto our womanhood is unacceptable.
What if we lived out our femininity as God intended? What if we traded in immodesty for modesty? Sin for virtue? Being a worldly woman for being a Godly woman? Brokenness for glory? What if we understood the sacredness of being a woman? What if we truly lived as we were intended to? What if we let God restore us unto the glory of who He created us to be?
Why be a half-hearted woman when you were created for complete wholeness? Wholeness as a woman is achieved by understanding who you are as The Bride of Christ. When you understand who you are to God, you begin to blossom into who He created you to be. To be a woman means to embody the transcendentals: truth, goodness, and beauty. To be a woman means to be a living reflection of The Church in all her glory and splendor, a true Bride of The Living God who is unified and one with Her Creator.