On Earth As It Is In Heaven
I’ve noticed that there seems to be so much anger in our world today. On a smaller scale, this anger is evident in our neighborhoods, workplaces, families, social media and our churches. The most distressing aspect of this to me, it the anger present within and displayed by Christians; people whom proclaim to practice the Faith, yet act and speak in the most uncharitable voices.
Anger leads to a hardening of hearts. Anger also leads us to a lack of charity in all things, which is specifically warned about it in Scripture.
Psalms 37:8: “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.”
Letting our emotions rule us can be dangerous and ultimately lead us to unhappiness and lack of Joy. When the Joy of Christ fills our hearts, we are less likely to be angry with others, because the spirit of Charity is strong and we can focus and foster the virtues of love and mercy. This spirit of Joy is most beneficial to us. The more we are consumed with God’s abundant Grace, the less room we have in our hearts for vices such as anger. Anger is most destructive to the bearer of it; It is neither spiritually or physically healthy and not part of God’s plan. Anger is not a part of Heaven. Anger is not sown in perfection. Anger leads to evilness. Anger can be controlled with our reason and our intellect. It will take practice, effort and prayer to master though.
James 1:19: “Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to human anger; 20 God's saving justice is never served by human anger; 21 so do away with all impurities and remnants of evil. Humbly welcome the Word which has been planted in you and can save your souls.”
The Devil prays on our emotion. Satan employs anger to divide and separate us from God and each other. Anger leaves in it’s wake:
We must lay our anger at the foot of Jesus’ cross. Anger does not lead us to virtue and that is what we must constantly strive for. Don’t let anger destroy your heart and soul. It is a choice. We can choose to be angry or show mercy. We can control anger or let it control us.
Proverbs 14: 29 “Mastery of temper is high proof of intelligence, a quick temper makes folly worse than ever”.
Ultimately, we cannot combat anger and negative emotion alone. We need the help of the Holy Spirit, and we need God’s gift of Grace; with hearts full of Grace, there is nothing left for anything but love and Mercy. We can obtain Grace with the help of our Heavenly Mother, the rosary is a wonderful tool toward this type of sanctification.
Learn to recognize the statements and attitudes that promote anger and hatred; and that are detrimental to love and mercy. We unknowingly project vice in our words and actions without being aware of it. Be aware of what you are magnifying, is it the Lord, are your sentiments rejoicing in God, your Savoir?
Let your heart be joyful and light, in all things. The light of Christ shines through a joyful Spirit, not one filled with anger. Shouldn’t we all be striving to shine that light, and dispel all anger and unhappiness?