Why I didn't vote early
In Sunday’s homily, our pastor, Fr. Li talked about Advent and waiting. He likened it to one of the parishioners waiting for the results of her blood tests. She turned the struggle of waiting to prayer. Waiting became an action.
I’m not good at waiting. I want everything yesterday! As the packages filled with Christmas presents come to our house, I’m anxious and excited. I can’t wait to give the gifts I’ve selected so I can see the reaction in my family’s faces. Even the things I’ve chosen for myself are a temptation to use now! My inner only child still struggles with selfish behavior.
After Father’s homily, I thought about what he said. Advent is the practice of waiting. It’s to teach us that waiting can be used in an active manner not just an empty space between now and Christmas. It is the “Art of Advent."
In preparation for Advent, our choir (my husband, friend and myself) decided to keep the music low-key. Instead of singing the Offertory, my husband plays it. For Communion, we picked a Gregorian chant. After Mass, I told my husband how much I loved it. The music was thoughtful and it kept me focused.
In my thirty-three years of being Catholic, I never viewed the Advent season in this way. It was eye-opening and refreshing.
Have a blessed and active Advent!