How To Help Yourself And Others In Seasons Of Suffering / Desolation
There is power in the name of Jesus. When I was on a pilgrimage in The Holy Land we were reminded that Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic. Jesus’ name in His native language of Aramaic translates to “Yeshua.” The name “Yeshua” means “salvation.” Our salvation comes from The Name Above All Names, Yeshua, The Christ. In The Holy Land, at The Church of The Pater Noster (Where Jesus taught the Our Father Prayer) the "Our Father" can be read in a variety of different languages from all around the world. Seeing The "Our Father" in Jesus' native language of Aramaic, made me ponder upon the language in which Mary would have sung Baby Jesus sweet lullabies. Our Blessed Mother would have called Jesus, “Yeshua.” This sweet truth to ponder upon, brought a deeper love and reference in my heart for The Name of Jesus.
In The Book “The Life of Mary As Seen By The Mystics” compiled by Raphael Brown, it is said that, “With Her (Mary) angels and with Saint Joseph, She often composed and sang beautiful hymns in honor of The Holy Child.” (page 111) The language that The Holy Family spoke, Aramaic is a language that is rarely spoken today. I imagine that Jesus finds comfort in hearing His name spoken, in the same language that His Blessed Mother would have cooed His Most Precious Name.
Perhaps a way to deepen reverence for The Name of Jesus is to use our Rosary beads, and say The Name of Jesus in a different language, for each bead. I personally love to say the name of Jesus in Aramaic over and over again, and even sing it, in hopes of soothing Christ, just like His Mother.
In Latin, Jesus is called “Jesu” in Italian, “Gesu.” Whatever language that we speak, The Name of Jesus is our secure refuge and strength. There are moments in life when we find ourselves at a loss for words. Though we may be unable to utter many phrases in times of great turmoil, we can always utter the name of Jesus. For when we are at a loss for words, The Name of Jesus, He who is The Word Made Flesh, contains all the words of our souls within Him. For The Holy Spirit promises to intercede for us when we are filled with groaning too deep for words. (Romans 8:26) May The Name of Jesus, always be upon our lips. Balm to the soul, and sweetness to the heart, all of our hope, and future lies in The Name of Jesus.
“So great is the Most Holy Name of Jesus that God highly exalted Him and gave Him the Name that is above every name, so that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bend; in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” - Philippians 2:9-11