Cycle Syncing : Living According To The Season Of Your Cycle You Find Yourself In
One day, I was praying The Rosary, and I heard Our Blessed Mother say clearly within the depths of my soul “The Rosary is the umbilical cord, isn’t this an interesting thought to ponder My daughter?” I was taken aback with beauty as I pondered upon this profound truth. The umbilical cord connects a baby to his or her mother’s placenta, and the umbilical cord is what carries nutrients and oxygen into the baby’s body. The umbilical cord also functions to remove any waste from fetal circulation.
The Rosary is the cord that binds us to Our Heavenly Mother. As we pray the Rosary, Our Mother delivers to us spiritual nutrients, and the oxygen of The Holy Spirit, thus keeping us spiritually alive and healthy. Sin, being the waste of our souls is rid from us, when we pray the Holy Rosary. The Rosary truly resembles the umbilical cord, connecting us to our Mother in Heaven. This is why, when Our Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima, She asked that we pray a Rosary every day. The Rosary is the prayer that helps keep us spiritually alive.
A few days after Our Heavenly Mother had told me “The Rosary is the umbilical cord” I found myself at the Walk For Life, and observed a woman who was protesting life, holding up a sign saying “Keep your Rosaries off of my ovaries.” A strong wave of “Lord forgive her, for she does not know what she is saying” rushed through me. The overwhelming sweetness and beauty of that which Our Heavenly Mother had spoken to me and the overwhelming evil and ugliness of the words on that sign were in utter contrast to one another. The battle between Heaven and hell was waging right in front of me, and the veil covering eternity became a bit thinner.
Saint Lucia of Fatima, described the final battle between The Kingdom of God and satan as being between “marriage and the family.” Saint Lucia said, “A time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and satan will be over marriage and the family. And those who will work for the good of the family will experience persecution and tribulation. But do not be afraid, because Our Lady has already crushed his head.” We live in the times of this final battle. May we hold tightly to our Rosaries, and always stay connected to Our Heavenly Mother, thus being alongside Her as She wins the battle against hell, and ushers in The Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
“I will put enmities between thee and The Woman, and thy seed and Her Seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for Her heel.” - Genesis 3:15