On Being a Hermit
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
A long time ago when I was a lad in Catholic Grammar School during religion class, one of the nuns related stories to us of men being hermits. They would live in small shelters and then go into the surrounding community to assist others in their needs. They would grow their own food and when necessary give to others from their own sustenance.
These stories fascinated me as a youth and I wondered if that type of life was in store for me. I matured and went to high school and college. I did not give any more thought to those stories. After college, I entered the workforce to make a difference in this world and, of course, earn money plus to look for a wife. Years passed, and the family got smaller and smaller. I assisted my family and guided them through the last days of their life. I also assisted friends and neighbors in whatever I could do for them. After the last immediate family member passed into eternity (my older brother and my cousin), I asked God in prayer what he wanted me to accomplish for the balance of my life.
I kept praying for guidance. After prayer during the warm weather, I cultivated and tended my vegetable garden and gave some fresh vegetables to my neighbors. I also offered assistance to others in need be they stranger or friend. I had been active in an organization, so I increased my activity and duties there. When I am in a food store, I always buy extra food for the poor and give it to the parish Church for distribution. I wish more people did this. Even in a time of high inflation, the cost is nominal. It is well worth the time and the effort.
All along, even up to now, I keep praying for discernment. Well, as I write this, it has finally dawned on me what God has in store for me. It is basically fulfilling the stories that I heard in my youth. Be a hermit. Fulfilling this destiny, I have found inner peace and the silence to hear the Word of God in my heart and through the study of the Scripture. I will also tell you that this is not the easiest road to travel. Apart from the joys, it comes with its hardships also. Every thing that I receive from God and humanity is offered back to God without any hesitation.
Sometimes God communicates with humans in riddles. He knows that my education is strongly mathematical and computer driven. I also like solving riddles. It may also take a lifetime to figure them out. Good luck with your “riddles” given by God. I also know that God has a sense of humor. He made me, didn’t He? By the way, all my writings are my gifts from God to you.
I end this writing with a prayer. “I live alone, dear Lord, yet have no fear, because I feel Your Presence near.”
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.