Lent 2023; Fourth Sunday of Lent
Another shooting; more souls lost to an evil thrust at humanity.
A followup to other articles regarding the use of guns.
As we have now become too familiar with news reports almost weekly, and the strain of a painful quest of the unending saga of multiple people being gunned down for no good reason. The cry of “do something” seems to ring out simultaneously as victims lie slaughtered and no one can give a substantial reason for its catastrophe.
From the president down to the police officers in the neighborhoods where these atrocities are erupting, all available efforts are looking to find a solution. It appears that a good many of the weapons used are AR-15 rifles, an automatic rifle with multiple clips for any number of bullets. No doubt these rifles can be used to gun down many scores of victims in a very short time. The one quick response from the White House down to a lot of elected officials seems to feel that removing these weapons along with other types of rifles and pistols will do the trick.
Good try, but we all should realize guns do not kill! They become the instruments people with a misguided or satanic attitude use to destroy lives. It is the misconception of everyone attempting to solve this problem that eliminating guns of mass destruction will be the answer. In many cases, as we have seen from police investigation, a large number of assassins were, or if they remain alive after capture, had some mental deficiency. There is a contrived movement of political mercenaries who exist to overtake the peaceful lot of persons in order to prove a point and are part of a larger group of antagonists promoting the downfall of Democracy. Some shooters are loners and do not officially belong to a group, but believe they are doing their part to change the politics of the world.
Here again, the obvious outcome of these individual attacks can be found within the Satanic Influx into the Church and by destroying the faith of its parishioners the church will have become under control of an evil that is always bent on destroying our following and worshiping God.
No matter how educated our people are or the influence they can use ro lead the people of God, it takes only one small incident to destroy a person’s faith and the Devil will take over our belief. One certain example was from Exodus, while Moses, the chosen leader of the Isralites, was with God receiving the Ten Commandments. Because he was too long on the mountain, the people got tired of waiting for Moses to return, and fashioned a golden bull to worship. Their god was now any idol whom they could worship, a making of their desires. That manner of changing our God to one of our own choosing is happening in our own time. Is it any wonder that some people who for some reason choose to destroy innocent victims have no understanding of God, and become worse than the law of love that is ours, given to us by God.
Perhaps the only answer to all this mayhem can be found at the base of the rattled brains of these perpetrators is they have chosen to put God’s essence to rest and have become soldiers of Satan. Therefore, the way to solve all of this turmoil is to beat Satan at his game. It will become the only path to sanctity. With so many turning away from God; from the White House to the most adhering people willing to exist with evil take over the world's populace, holding on to our faith is the only hope we have. We must pray and support the Church and the teaching of the Truth who is Christ. The deep attacks on goodness must be our battle cry to turn the worship of Satan away and depend on God’s Spirit to lead each one of us towards victory.
Ralph B. Hathaway