Don’t let your life be sterile, he says. Fall in Love, and you will not leave him.
“He” is Saint Josemaria Escriva. He says these words in his book “The Way,” in fact, these words are first and last in the book.
“Blaze a trail.” the saint continues.
And the saint, I think is right on track. But he is not going to have us blaze a straight, wide highway. He shows us instead that the Way has many twists, turns, and obstacles from beginning to end.
I imagine that whoever said “as the crow flies” never really watched a crow fly.
And, if one wants to go with the flow, go ahead, it is easy, just watch out for the falls.
There are many hills, valleys, dark forests, muddy swamps, and so many obstacles between places on life’s journey. Yet with heaven as our destination, surely our trek is worth the trouble.
But, hey, there is not just one way from where we are to where we want to go; there is only one leader. Jesus is that leader.
Even Baptist preachers say so: Trust and obey, for there is no other way. And Jesus Himself said as much to Saint Peter about walking on water.
Let me say it again: Many obstacles, many paths, one Way, one Leader.
Have hope, dear reader. There is a set of directions. The directions are known as the Holy Gospel dictated by God, who is Jesus.
There is a tour guide outfit, we Catholics call that outfit the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I’m not saying the itinerant street corner preacher can’t give you guidance, but I am saying our outfit has over two thousand years experience.
Sure, our outfit makes mistakes, but at journey’s end, we seem to get it right more often than not.
So here’s my summary: listen to the leader; follow the directions; heed the tour guide; enjoy the journey with an attitude of gratitude. For now, have an attitude of gratitude because you do have a better place to go.
Here’s hoping that we meet in Heaven.