A New Hope
I knelt in the bathroom this morning; not in prayer exactly, I was scrubbing the floor and had cause to reflect on the condition of my kingdom (small ‘k’).
I have seen many changes in life; as a young man I sought to build my own ‘kingdom’. I worked very hard, studied simultaneously. I was ambitious, focused, hungry for success and driven. I achieved moderate success, and for a while enjoyed its benefits. I was also godless, arrogant, ruthless and fearful: - it was in many ways an appalling way to live.
Many years have passed during which time God has taken me on a journey; which has led to diminishment in status, loss of career, reduction in finance, life-threatening conditions, betrayals, humiliations and battles. Whatever I built needed to be demolished and rebuilt on a new foundation of sonship rather than an as orphan-spirited man scrambling in my own power. The gift of faith or conversion brings with it a new dignity, regardless of an outward appearance of failure in the world’s eyes and that is the true core of our being and a true success.
It is hard to comprehend what is in store if we permit transformation of the heart, mind and character. If we ‘go deep’ there will be fruit. It will be a long and painful process. If we stay superficial, that too will be revealed in time.
The instruction given to Adam in the garden was to Rule or in modern language ‘call the shots.’ A good king rules his kingdom, in marriage for example, out of the anointing as husband and head, he takes care of those in his domain. With bad kings it is seen in their inaction. Some are passive or disengaged from their role and responsibility, worse still some abdicate entirely and hand over the reins to their wives and chaos ensues: - exhausted women, insecure children, every poor decision and lifestyle choice feeding into the next crisis…it grieves the heart to watch it replayed again and again.
As I stood back and inspected the bathroom floor, I was content with it and proceeded to walk the ramparts of our small condo castle, checked its gates and secured its borders or boundaries... It is a small kingdom now, fitted to the season and soul’s capacity. And those who live in it do so in harmony with each other, in peace and security and a unity of purpose...worth fighting for.
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