It is in testing that I find the very truth of God's Essence within my life.
There must be a better way to find peace than looking at every false promise.
Whenever we think we’ve found the best manner to sit back and relax from all the turmoil of life, the road to peace turns out to be just a path of ruts. A quest for easy living without problems becomes a map void of landmarks and it becomes a drive filled with unfamiliar signs. That is when the search for a peaceful existence becomes a nightmare we don’t wake up from.
When Jesus appeared in the upper room after his resurrection and said to his disciples ”peace be with you,” they were overwhelmed at his sudden appearance. However, it wasn’t the only time he came to them, but there was an aurora that existed for them each time he did find them. Could this be the definition of true peace? It certainly might be the sense of finding what we all would love to share when life’s difficulties suddenly confront our well-being and all confusion takes first place within us.
If we must wait for the risen Christ to physically appear to us in order to experience this deep spiritual feeling we may never know what it is about. That being the manner to experience what the disciples did, we must find the closure that is blocking our sense of understanding and open the door with a key that will only unlock the mind that Satan wants to keep closed.
A closed mind because of secular obstacles can occur when too many attractions in life become the easy way to find what we do not need. How quick the human mind will allow sensuous thoughts of pleasure or finding treasures that we believe will enhance our weaknesses.
Many people usually succumb to the attraction of ease and comfort through forbidden thoughts while wondering why these flashes of unrest take first place in our minds. When Jesus used this term to greet his closest followers, he was injecting a spiritual path to understand what he was really handing to them and us as well.
Anytime the human entity finds this deep occurrence entering his mind, it is the Holy Spirit connecting to our pinnacle of blessedness that is himself within our essence. It isn’t like a magic absorption within us, it is God reaching into us as he always wants to dwell within what he has created.
The blessing the Risen Christ handed to his disciples then is the very same blessing he hands to you and me, now. It only takes faith that we have through grace to receive this peace which is more than a word; it is God’s reality entering each one who is seeking this gift of God.
We should never confuse this greeting with the usual greeting we give to one another as in hello or how are you. This greeting is only given through God’s Holy Spirit and encompasses our very being beyond physical capabilities to the depth of our immortal soul. This is the hand of God embracing the Spirit deep within each of us.
Ralph B. Hathaway