June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Intrinsic Nature of God whom we do not see will surround us; then we shall know him!
A continuation of articles pertaining to God’s Essence.
To the mind that cannot fully understand this entity that we call God or the meaning of God’s essence belonging solely to himself, we find the very comprehension of God’s identity. We are told that in heaven we will be free from sin then we shall see God’s glory.
But, this is not a complete explanation of what his face is like to mortal men. However, once we are there and part of the divine Trinity, we no longer are human. We have inherited the very persona of the invisible God that created us, forgave our sins, and welcomed each one into his kingdom.
If you could for just a moment dream of yourself sitting under a palm tree on the beach feeling the soft warm breezes passing across your face, and being at total peace with the world; this might begin to give you some inkling of where you are at the moment of God’s presence.
Being in the arms of a loving parent, extending a love which cannot be described in human terms, the knowledge of complete comfort that we cannot describe will find us facing the God who now is present to our vision. What do we see, or realize to whom we are facing may not be what our comprehension dictates? It will become the same as an unborn baby still in his mother’s womb, knowing comfort, safety, and assurance of its mothers protection. The mother and her child are one in complete unity of love. If the child could remain in the comfort the womb extends, the child would be happy forever if forever was an option.
This same scenario is exactly what this union with Almighty God will be like. No discomfort, fear, or anyone pulling us away from our Father can touch us, ever again. We are home, in the beatific vision of perfection and the face of God will be exactly the picture of a holy presence that human terms cannot describe since that eludes the mind of man.
When Paul spoke of a man he did not know, only God knew, this man was caught up in paradise and heard ineffable things which could not be mentioned, Paul could not describe in human terms what this other man saw. That is the same essence that if one were to rise and come back to earth from heaven would have as well. ( 2 Cor 12: 1 4).
Ralph B. Hathaway