Families are great, and may be the answer to what ails our world. And, for people of eternal life, family is a main ingredient of the living as children of God.
There is a website that has a headline “Great Family of the Sacred Heart.” Interested readers can find their message at “ “ and enjoy really comprehensive looks at how their mission has grown from one woman (Blessed Clelia) to an international group responding to Pope Francis Amoris laetitia letter calling us to the synodal journey where he says we find that “The Church is a family of families.”
I came across this site which belongs to “Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” while researching a new book about leaders, owners, and families that my deceased brother’s wife and I are putting together. Our story will be fact-based fiction that shows how family can make the world better by telling a success story that actually came true. And yes, there will be falls and pitfalls, but there will also be wins that outweigh the losses through family.
The book will tackle some of today’s mediated lies, for example, that entrepreneurs are risk-takers. While it is true they take risks, they do so only after accounting for said risks and taking measures of due diligence to turn the risks to advantages. Another myth encountered is that the family is weaker than ever when in reality the family is truly stronger if not in quantity, certainly in quality. The book will examine at least sixteen reasons to understand family power. Another aspect is leadership and how it’s not a solo act, but a family mode.
The Word supplies the plan that families are built upon. We hope to have the book available this year, maybe in time for Christmas.
Imagine giving a gift that can change the world.
But, is that not why we are here?