God Grant Me Clarity
The opposite of exposure is to be veiled, to be protected. We veil that which is sacred. The tabernacle at Mass, the bride walking down the aisle, the precious gift that is wrapped, the body covered after death; and the woman, who is the bearer of life. Christ invites His women to veil, to protect and to safeguard us, to uphold our dignity and worth. Holy Communion is the wedding of the soul to The Lord. Does a bride forget her veil on her wedding day?
Christ has me veiled, and it’s beautiful. The gaze of The Lord is so pure, that He veils us with His eyes. Can we imagine a world in which our gazes veiled each other, where we recognized each other's dignity and worth? Jesus offers the sacred gaze, the world the look of lust.
In a world that cannot define what a woman is, The Lord has defined my womanhood with valor and grace. My body is a monstrance, that contains the Living God. The ability to hold precious life is within me, and that comes at such a great price; a price of innumerable worth. To veil is to be protected; the opposite is being unveiled, left vulnerable, and exposed. Jesus upholds my dignity and dutifully protects me. The world sells women exposure, Christ offers women coverage, refuge, and protection. Exposure is to profane that which is meant to be veiled. Christ says, “Behold how I have, and keep you veiled.”
For the intimacy of Communion with The Lord, is to be veiled, shrouded in mystery. Many women today have suffered from the wound of being exposed, abandoned, not provided for, and not protected. The immodest culture we live in has left a gaping wound in many hearts. The feminine heart knows she’s meant to be veiled, revered, and protected. She knows she’s worth more than the modern culture that is trying to erase her.
How kind Christ is to not want what the world wants for us women. Jesus wants to keep us veiled in mystery, dignity, and worth.All that is sacred is meant to be veiled, and women who are the bearers of life and cultivators of beauty, are to be veiled.
The veiled woman displays the outward expression of the knowledge that she is sacred. The sacredness of femininity, and womanhood, are preserved beneath the veil. To reject satan, set out to destroy true femininity; and embrace all that is good, holy, pure, and true. The veil says “I understand the sacredness that I posess, as a woman.”
To veil is to preserve femininity.
I veil because I am sacred.
I veil because my womb is holy.
I veil because Christ The Bridegroom is my divine spouse.
I veil because all that is sacred in the church is veiled, and we women who are the bearers of life are sacred in the eyes of God.
To veil is to understand your femininity.
The knowledge that you are sacred as a woman, is a preventative measure for sin.
Ask yourself, “Why would I deliberately sin when I know that I am sacred?” Women who know they are sacred, find it easy and joyful to love and obey God.
The wearing of the veil increases grace and decreases sin. The veil shields a woman from the world and elevates her to the truths of Heaven.
The Shroud of Turin, The Veil of Veronica, The Mantle of Mary, our faith is all veiled.