Can you have faith for someone else?
Imagine you were omnipotent. You had supernatural powers and you could do anything you like. You could be anywhere you wanted by just thinking it. Your very thoughts controlled all your actions.
What would you do?
Would you sort out all the ills in the world? Eliminate poverty? Stop evil doings? Stop disasters like earthquakes, droughts, famines, tornadoes and so on?
Would you find a cure to cancer and all other terrible diseases?
What else would you do with your new-found power? Would you let someone you like fall in love with you? Would you make someone change their ways from doing something wrong to going the right way?
If you miss someone dearly, a loved one, would you bring them back from the dead?
Think about it for a moment. You are omnipotent. You can do what you want. What would you do?
Now let's think some more.
By doing some of these things we mentioned, are you really imposing your will on someone else? Often, when bad things happen it is because people made them happen. Poverty, droughts, famines and so on. It was once said that someone's sunshine and good weather can be a drought for a farmer. Or the farmer's rain can be a flood for someone else.
If you made someone love you, is that really true love or control on your part?
If you bring a dear one from the dead are you imposing your will on them? Maybe they don't want to be brought back into this world as it presently is.
With power, omnipotent power, comes responsibility.
God/Jesus is/are omnipotent. They can do all the things we've discussed and more besides. But they don't.
Jesus did heal the sick, and help the poor, and even raised people from the dead. But every time He performed a miracle it was at the request of someone else in need. At no time did He impose His will on others.
God can stop all bad things in the world from happening, but He does not do so. He allows them to happen. Why? It is because He does not want to impose His will upon us; even though we may pray daily "Thy will be done". He responds, "Yes, but I am also aware of your will too!"
Even when He decreed that Jesus would be born as a human, He asked Mary for her permission first.
People often confuse God's omnipotent power and our gift of free-will. God can influence people to His ways, but at all times He leaves the final choice to us and will not impose His will. We always have a choice to walk away, to say "no" and to turn the other way. Even to the point of denying His very existence.
Adam and Eve's sin was not one of disobedience. It was one of wanting omnipotence and power. To be like God.