The thoughts of God; learned or inherited?
We used to be a melting pot, an opportunity for everyone!
A continued expose on the end times
That was when people trusted one another and respected their rights as persons. When the ships pulled into New York harbors back in the early 1900’s loaded with people who were seeking a new life, an opportunity to work and raise their families, the fears of starting anew were apparent, but the challenges gave them the grit they would need to succeed.
In the years that progressed many might have found that it was not all peaches and cream. In order for them to find safety and share their fatherland culture they settled in clusters of neighborhood surroundings. At least there would be a comradery that sustained them.
Not all had that protection if they chose areas away from their nationalities. My mother told me the discrimination her family endured when she was growing up. Her father had a tailor shop and like other Italian store owners constantly had other nationality hoodlums breaking their store windows, and the children were always bullied by neighborhood children who looked down on Italians. So, when some people in our past were treated badly because of discrimination, my mother could relate to the same treatment. When my mother and father were planning to get married, the Catholic priest at their neighborhood parish suggested they go to the Italian church several miles away. He was Irish and for some reason did not want to rock the boat, so to speak.
However, over the years acceptance became common and we lived with other nationalities, as the same occurred everywhere else. People worked, shopped, and mingled together in church and social activities. The melting pot scenario grew and peace was found almost everywhere.
Then the period at the beginning of the 2020’s something happened. The pot that contained all nationalities, races, religions, and cultures appeared to erupt. It's like the pot turned over, spilling everyone out into a world where anger, suspicions, and covetous attitudes became the rule of the day.
Today, we awoke not being shocked at the multiple shootings that happened last night. We used to shudder that such a thing could disrupt the once peaceful society we enjoyed. Now we are almost afraid to go out at night. In some cities, like Chicago, it doesn’t matter if daylight or midnight the murders go on.
What has been occurring in our country is a prelude to the actions now on a global scale. We had another melting pot wherein most of the nations appeared to get along, sharing space exploration, trading goods between countries, allowing for the most part students engaging in education sharing around the globe, and existing as God ordained for all to live together.
Something happened and this pot also turned over. However, as bad as the American collection of nationalities and all the other attributes from their cultures erupted, the worldwide atrocities have left a hole from which recovery may not become whole again.
We are now facing nuclear war, from which if it occurs, will certainly destroy most of civilian life on the planet. The peace God granted to all mankind is lost somewhere in outer space and in control of non-human power. We should pray that God will send his Son before man pushes the red button that will enact the final blow. However, we do not know if that will be Armageddon, and a fulfillment to scripture that we may see in our life.
Jesus said; “for at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the power of the heavens will be shaken.” (Mt. 24: 21, 29). Taken from Matthew’s eschatological discourse.
No one knows the time, not even the Son, when this will occur, but we must stay attentive to his promise and keep praying that we do not lose hope in the salvation of the world for those who believe. “So too, you must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect,the Son of Man will come.” (Mt 24: 44).
Ralph B. Hathaway