The Hour
The Second Commandment
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
What is the second commandment? Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
The Lord is Holy. It does not matter what person of the Holy Trinity that we speak or think. All three persons are Holy and the Triune Godhead live in unapproachable light. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is Fear of the Lord. This means that we should live in awe and great respect of the Lord. Realizing this fact, both He and His Name are supremely majestic in both the heavens and the earth.
What are the names of God? Let me try to list some for you. God, Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Lord, Yahweh, I AM, and I AM WHO AM are some off the names of the Lord. Whenever we think of these names we should be thinking adoration. After all, this Eternal Being brought every human, animal and plant into existence.
We must also show the highest respect for God by the way we live our lives. We should be able to control our thoughts, words, and deeds so as to give greater glory to God. Ask and let the Lord give you greater strength for this purpose. This greater strength is called Actual Grace.
A case in point is a beautiful monastery on top of a hill overlooking State Highway 3 in Clifton, New Jersey. It is called Holy Face Monastery. The highway below the monastery is the scene of the most intense traffic congestion where it joins with Federal Highway 46 a little farther down the road. Traffic usually backs up for miles there and you guessed it. Many drivers’ tempers are at a boiling point especially at rush hour. In that situation try to remember that God is always present and instead of using foul language, just say a prayer for assistance. While you are there please say hello to Jesus at Holy Face Monastery. He is there, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Also say hello to the Father and the Holy Spirit. They long for your love as Jesus did on the cross when He said, “I THIRST”.
Now traffic may not move that fast even after you say that prayer, but you will have the peace of mind that you have not offended God with foul language and evil thoughts. Try this next time that you are in automobile traffic. You will avoid the sin of blasphemy. Blasphemy does not just pertain to God’s entire name. Using the Blessed Mother and the saint’s names in vain is also forbidden by the second commandment as is taking false oaths. You should never ask God to witness a lie such as perjury. If we catch ourselves using these names in vain, try turning that act into a prayer asking for assistance with the situation from heaven.
With these thoughts in mind, we can correct our sinful habits and once again take the narrow road that leads to Eternal Life and not the wide super highway that leads to sin, perdition, and the death of the soul. The Holy Spirit is always with us. Let’s always pray for his guidance, protection, and consolation.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.