Thoughts on Suffering Souls
A time to get our future in order - A continuation of government control of our lives
We always were taught to prepare for our future regarding the financial status of bank accounts, mortgages, and retirement plans. When maturing into adulthood and living as though those issues were just too far away, thinking of requirements that just older folks needed to consider, belonged in another world. A buck in my pocket and I’m prepared to spend it on my immediate need and not placing it in a savings account.
Perhaps one of the syndromes of irresponsible attitudes towards preparing for our future is money that is more readily available either through more affluent families and their young children getting a freedom to spend loosely, or some now receiving government assistance in lieu of working. In both scenarios we have seen a recent change across our country where there are more available jobs unfilled due to free money that appears to be trees in our backyards. Remember when most of us were growing up and our parents telling us that money doesn’t grow on trees. My father always gave me good advice when he told me if I wanted a car or some more expensive item to work and save money for that purchase. Of course he grew up during the depression and those families knew what tough times were about. Better jobs, college educated people, and more astute policies on how to become ready when handling financial situations arose.
All of that has taken a turn for the worst with politics and morality investing their grip into once very organized families to who is running the country, banking institutions wandering the wrong direction, and the absence of morals everywhere we look. This is not news that suddenly popped up and all of us are surprised. But what is needed almost immediately is a reversal of learning and teaching to the youth who soon will be running our governments and the church leaders in sound politics, as in the Constitution of the United States of America, and the pulpits of all Jewish and Christian synagogues and churches.
As I have related before, this attack on government in a blind opinion of freedom, and the slipping away of moral living perpetrated by the Woke generation is quickly subduing our freedoms and adherence to God. However, these atrocities were written hundreds of years before Christ and are now coming to fruition in our current time. But we must not forget that Jesus spoke about the Beginning of Calamities explicitly recorded in Matthew’s Eschatalogical discourse. (Mt. 24: 1 - 14). We should not become too distraught. We were warned.
Ralph B.Hathaway