How’s your love life?
Catholics should answer that the two are the same. We should recognize that hat is death and love is life.
Every Thursday, when we reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are reminded that Jesus life is a life of love.
We certainly must recall that Love is the very essence of following Him to Eternal Life. We must obey Love as the greatest of all commandments.
And, for all the social misuse of “love,” we know that the Love we seek to be, is self-fulfilling and caring for others as needed. As for me, these two ways of life, love of self and love of others, are the ingredients of Love of God Who is Life as we are the Living followers of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
As the sun rose this morning over Palm Cay, Florida, I sat on the front porch to get some sun and fresh air while it was still easy to be outside. Not much happens here that early, one or two cars off to some errand, a few people taking their morning walk, birds chirping nearby and traffic sounds starting up on the nearby main road to town center, are the normal sights and sounds of a new day.
As the morning walkers passed by, we exchanged greetings, they continued on their way, I continued praying the Rosary. As I prayed, I wondered what to write about, and here it is.
Good Morning Life, my Love. Amen.