Finishing Lent Strong
Did you know that there’s a version of the rosary which one can meditate on all 50 states in the US? Yes, it exists.
The devotion goes back to the 1980s when friends of Medjugorje were gathered near a pine tree in the fields of Alabama near Birmingham. It was near this lone pine tree that the Blessed Mother would appear to pilgrims pleading for America’s conversion.
On the other side of the world, Mairja, a visionary from Medjugorje, asked if conversions would happen elsewhere.
Pilgrims would receive this message
October 6, 1986
“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is.
Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
Here’s a breakdown of the Patriotic Rosary. Keep in mind the states are in alphabetical order. Consider praying this during a Holy Hour for the birth of our country.
1) Begin with the sign of the cross
2) Recite the Come Holy Spirit Prayer
3) The Apostle’s Creed for the Conversion of our Nation
4) Our Father for our Holy Father
5) Three Hail Mary’s for priests, bishops, and religious
6) For the conversion of our country, Glory Be
7) First decade is offered for the Presidency of the United States
a. Before each Hail Mary, say the following prayer, “We plead the Blood of Jesus over Alabama (name a different state for each Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”
b. This decade covers states from Alabama to Georgia
8) After ten Hail Marys, For the conversion of our country Glory Be and Fatima prayer
9) Sing America (My country tis of thee). Before beginning the next decade, a patriotic song can be sung after the Fatima prayer.
10) Repeat step seven.
a. Each Our Father is offered for different branches of local, state, and federal government.
11) After completing the rosary, recite the Hail Holy Queen and the concluding prayers. I highly recommend offering a prayer to St. Michael
Visit here for the complete guide to the patriotic rosary.
The Patriotic Divine Mercy Chaplet
There is a patriotic way to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Begin with the sign of the cross.
Say the opening prayer. This is optional but recommended.
Offer the Our Father for the conversion of our country, a Hail Mary for all clergy and religious, and apostle’s creed for our Holy Father.
Say the Eternal Father prayer. The decade is offered for the Presidency of the United State, so the second half will go “In atonement for the sins of our president, and those of the whole world.”
Similar to the Hail Mary beads, the second half will go, “Have mercy on Alabama, and on the whole world” The states for this decade is from Alabama to Georgia. Keep in mind that it is done in alphabetical order.
The beginning of the second decade is offered for the members of Congress. The second half of the Eternal Father prayer will go, “In atonement for the sins of our representatives and senators, and those of the whole world.”
The third decade is offered for the nine justices of the Supreme Court
The fourth decade is for the Governors of the United States
The fifth decade for all county and municipal offices
At the end, recite the Holy God prayer three times and conclude with the closing prayer.
Litany for Liberty
Another prayer that can be incorporated into the Holy Hour for America is the Litany for Liberty put out by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Christ the Lord has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Let us turn to him in humble but fervent petition, seeking the grace to root out from our hearts all trace of darkness, and all that holds us back from walking in the full freedom of the children of God. As Christ is our great model for that inner freedom, which enables us to do the right, let us turn to him with confidence that we, too, may follow him to the fullness of spiritual freedom.
Lord, have mercy R: Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy R: Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy R: Lord, have mercy
Respond Free Our Hearts after the following invocations.
Jesus, victor over sin and death…
Jesus, source of light and hope…
Jesus, the fullness of truth and mystery…
Jesus, teacher of seeking hearts…
Jesus, healer of body and soul…
Jesus, bringer of mercy and justice…
Jesus, who humbles the heart and mind…
Jesus, the release of captives…
Jesus, voice against violence…
Jesus, courage for the lowly/downtrodden…
Jesus, the origin of all authority and power…
Jesus, true lawgiver…
Jesus, unity of order and passion…
Jesus, freedom of the Spirit…
Jesus, obedient Son of the Father…
Respond Give us your grace after the following invocations.
For the freedom to love...
For the freedom to believe…
For the freedom to hope…
For the freedom to worship…
For the freedom to serve in charity…
For the freedom to care for the suffering…
For the freedom to comfort the sick…
For the freedom to feed the hungry…
For the freedom to shelter the homeless…
For the freedom to proclaim the Gospel…
For the freedom to walk in chastity…
For the freedom to live in peace…
For the freedom to work in good conscience…
For the freedom to stand in solidarity…
For the freedom to seek justice…
For the freedom to reject sin…
For the freedom to reject coercion…
For the freedom to reject falsehood…
For the freedom to reject evil temptations…
For the freedom to reject injustice…
O God, who gave one origin to all peoples
and willed to gather from them one family for yourself,
fill all hearts, we pray, with the fire of your love
and kindle in them a desire
for the just advancement of their neighbor,
that, through the good things which you richly bestow upon all,
each human person may be brought to perfection,
every division may be removed,
and equity and justice may be established in human society.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever. Amen