"Peace" Finding and Keeping it.
Into the essence of God’s Holy Spirit
When digging into the very complex of something we know very little about it becomes a task that few understand where to begin. One may attempt to uncover the secrets of mysteries that humans encounter, but to open the hidden secrets of God can become a dead-end. Recently I wrote about the relationship of God’s three persons being one together. Jesus spoke of that in the priestly prayer before entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He speaks to his Father and asks that he will watch over those the Father sent him and mentions how both the Father and himself are one together and we are also one with them. (Jn 17: 1 - 26).
This becomes the very proponent of a deep relationship that we share with God, and the closest our finitness will get to his infinity while on earth. But the essence of the Spirit of God is another challenge that takes more than intellectual adherence. It requires a deep submission on our part to escape all of the worldly attractions or thoughts that consume our attention. It is the same block to our minds as a contemplative who may not concentrate when surrounded by other people or constant interruptions while in prayer.
Reaching into that essence which must be a sterile occasion, with only you and him. Without this your thoughts will remain on a human level and the Spirit will not be able to enter your element of peace. He wants to develop an internal conversation with your exterior entity remaining silent. Only then can he touch the interior sense of your soul in a way that is rare for most people. God can not reach anyone of us when our attention is crowded with everything that can become ungodly.
Most of us are not contemplative as far as prayer is concerned, but the manner we need to adopt in order to reach within the Spirit’s essence must follow the same routine as a contemplative uses when in a silent awareness of something beyond our wakened presence. No one can just sit and watch or listen to the clutter of everyday noises that arouse our senses and expect the opening of thoughts that are beyond human understanding. That is why one should only attempt this exercise of seeking the Holy Spirit in his deepest essence if our desire is to understand the most hidden graces he gives to those who are open to its complete blessing.
What becomes of a moment with the Holy Spirit, as in a contemplative exercise, will not leave us with the answer to the same way many saints have absorbed in silence, but certainly will have touched our soul in a way that is indescribable. That sense will remain and have an understanding that books or teachings can never penetrate our intellect.
Be assured, this type of spiritual exercise is not exclusive to just the intellectual, or one who may appear holy. It is for anyone of us who has a calling to know the deeper wisdom of the Holy Spirit and wishes to find that meaning within their own soul. Once you find that hard to explain an occurrence within yourself, you will not reject that calling and find a better way of deep silent prayer.
Ralph B. Hathaway