There is always hope
It was Mary that God the Father chose to nourish His Only Begotten Son. And she did so from His conception and throughout His life. Jesus was nourished by His mother always. No mother stops nourishing their child, even if your child is grown or is God Himself.
Mary still nourishes the Body of Christ, most notably in that the Body of Christ is The Church. Mary is called Mother of the Church and was declared as such explicitly in 1964 by Pope St Paul VI, though she was recognized as Mother of the Church throughout history. So, it is Mary’s duty to nourish us.
As Jesus needed nourishment from Mary, we need her nourishment much more. Jesus needed it for his physical needs, but we need it for our spiritual needs. Jesus did not lack spiritually; we do. And as Jesus needed to be with Mom for her to nourish Him physically, we need to be with Mom for her to nourish us spiritually. We need to spend time on her lap as she forms us into mini-Christs, Christians.
As Christians, we never stop growing and as such, we never stop needing our Mother’s nourishment. We can always be more like Christ. The most efficacious way to be with Mom in order for her to nourish us spiritually is by recitation of the Rosary. There we constantly ask for her to “pray for us” while meditating upon the mysteries of Christ’s life with and through Mary. Our Mother can unravel the meaning of these mysteries in our lives and form us more closer to a full image and likeness of Christ, a true Christian.
It is Mary’s duty as given by God. Will you deny her this duty in your life or will you spend time with her to allow her to nourish you into the true Christian you were created to be?
Mama Mary, you have always been our Mother and desire good things for us, namely in being true Christians. We ask that you form us into the fullest Christians that we can be in order that we might love God and our neighbor to the best of our ability and enjoy with you eternal salvation won for us by the Fruit of your womb, Jesus. Amen.