Brother Marcel (Nguyen Tan) Van had a spiritual sister who actually visited him; Her name was St.Therese of Lisieux
He gave up his life to do the “right thing”--
The pages of Catholic/Christian history are filled with countless names of those who came from virtual anonymity and proceeded to leave an indelible mark in our lives. Meet Franz Jagerstatter.
Franz was born in Austria in 1907. His father was killed in World War I, and when Franz was around eight years old, his mom married Heinrich Jagerstatter, who adopted young Franz, giving him his name.
Franz received a basic education in the local schools and excelled in reading and writing. He learned religion from his maternal grandmother and would read the Bible and other religious works. He managed to develop a faith that nestled itself securely into his soul. As Franz grew older and wiser his faith grew right along with him.
In 1933, Franz inherited his adopted father’s farm. He then met Franziska Schwaninger, a deeply religious Catholic woman, and they fell in love. They were married on Holy Thursday, 1936, and after the ceremony, proceeded on a pilgrimage to Rome. This was also when Franz’s spiritual life became his primary focus.
He could no longer deviate from things “not right”
Now possessing a deeply embedded faith and love of Jesus, he soon was serving as a sexton at his local parish. He and Franziska would have three daughters, and he began to live his life true to his faith and Jesus Christ. He would no longer deviate from things that were “not right.” Some perceived him as “overly pious”.
He stopped going to taverns because, as a defender of truth, he was always getting into arguments about Nazism which he wanted to avoid. He stopped accepting donations he received as the church sexton. He gave the money to those in need even though he and his growing family were poor also. Even though some folks mocked him, he was determined to do “what was right”.
His “no vote” put him under the watchful eye of the Nazis
In 1938, German soldiers began moving into Austria. Immediately, they began implementing the Nazification of the once-peaceful nation. The Anschluss, which created a German-Austrian State, was put to a vote in Franz’s village, and he was the only one in his town to vote “no.” The authorities rejected his vote and claimed the vote was unanimous. However, Franz was now under the watch of the Nazis.
It did not matter to Franz. He knew he must do the right thing and remained openly anti-Nazi. He joined the Third Order of St. Francis and began serving as a sacristan at the local parish. He managed to get several exemptions from military service. Time was not to be Franz’s friend.
In 1940, when he was 33, Franz was conscripted into the German army. He finished basic training but managed to stay out of active service because he qualified for an exemption given to farmers. Back home, he began to evaluate the morality of war and even discussed the subject with his bishop. His bishop did not encourage Franz.
Called to active duty
And so it was that on February 23, 1943, Franz Jagerstatter was called to active duty. He and Franziska now had three daughters, the oldest only six. Franz stood strong and refused to fight for the godless, Third Reich. He declared himself a conscientious objector and offered to serve as a paramedic. He was ignored. A priest from his town came to talk him into serving, but he refused. He was immediately put in prison.
Against all advice to stop resisting, Franz persisted in his opposition to the Nazis. His spiritual advisors told him that he had an obligation to his family to protect his life. He was told that he was required morally to obey the “legitimate” authorities. A friend told him, “Just say yes. You don’t even have to shoot straight. But take the oath.” Franz rejected all arguments. Atheistic Nazism could not be supported. He was determined to do the “right thing”.
Franz wrote, “Everyone tells me, of course, that I should not do what I am doing because of the danger of death. I believe it is better to sacrifice one’s life right away than to place oneself in the grave danger of committing sin and dying.”
He held firm to his principles
Franz Jagerstatter held fast to his principles. On July 6, 1943, he was tried and sentenced to death. On August 9, 1943, he was executed by guillotine at Brandenburg-Gorden prison. He was 36 years old.
Franz Jagerstatter led an obscure life, and his death was no different. But a priest by the name of Father Jochmann spoke to Franz right before his execution. He said later that Franz was the only saint he had ever met.
In 1964 the American sociologist, Gordon Zahn, wrote a book about Franz Jagerstatter titled In Solitary Witness. That book was followed by the renowned Trappist, Thomas Merton, writing a chapter about Franz in one of his books, Faith and Violence.
Eventually, Franz's story weaved its way to the Vatican and came before Pope Benedict XVI. In June of 2007, the Holy Father issued an apostolic exhortation declaring Franz a martyr. On October 27, 2007, Franz Jagerstatter was beatified by Cardinal Jose Martins in Linz, Austria
Franz believed that Jesus wanted him to do the “right thing”. He believed it so much he gave his life to do it. He is known as the patron of “conscientious objectors.”.
Blessed Franz Jagerstatter, please pray for us.
Copyright©Larry Peterson 2023