Fish, Pork, Abstinence, Maccabees, the Antichrist, and the Jewish Conversion
Some preliminary considerations for the parable of the sower on a deeper level
The numbers are 100 60 and 30
When we factor out to 10 we have 10 and 6 and 3
None of these numbers 10 6 and 3 really fit any of my theology except the ten commandments which the devil fights against which explains the 10 horns of the dragon and the beast in Apocalypse
But obviously 100 fold does not refer to evil
But a great multitude of harvest of righteousness from the soul
But then here an immediate meaning comes to mind
The righteous soul and the church militant who are always striving to keep the ten commandments through the war against the devil with Grace conquer the worldly devil or ten by keeping the ten commandments in this world, again the church militant
Hence 10 * 10 = 100 which is to say keeping the ten commandments defeats the dragon of the world which is 10
Possibly then the other numbers might describe the other forms of the communion of saints which would be the church triumphant to the church suffering
It actually works when we go back to the theology of music of the of the Catholic mystery
Remember that out of the infinite possibilities in musical scales only four are uniquely foundational
These scales are unique in their notes except for the octave; they begin and end with the base note of the key they are perfectly linear and unidirectional meaning they don't back up anywhere they include every note of the key in succession and only once except the octave
Finally there are only One direction whether ascending or descending
Oh and finally they are either major or minor meaning happy or sad
There were two sets of scales
The consistent ones and the ironic ones
The consistent ones have an emotion that matches the direction
Hence ascending joy and descending sorrow
These are the great ages of the world
The joyful ascending are ages are the great phases of redemption sub phases of redemption
The sorrowful descending ages are the great phases of sin in human history
It is consistent because we think of joy as getting better and better or ascending
Similarly we think of sorrow as getting worse and worse or descending
This makes sense in salvation history
Each successive phase of redemption brings more and more of the world into greater Revelation and holiness
Similarly with the phases of sin more and more of the human world is more sinful and more culpable so that at the end most of the world is in sin and the most culpable in all of human history
The very wonderful meaning here is the octave
The octave brings you back to where you were in step 8
You can see this by singing the famous do re mi fa so la ti do of The sound of music
Or similarly just singing as one two three four five six seven eight
And The sound of music the do's are the same note only one whole scale higher
Similarly in the numbers 1 and 8 are the same only a higher pitch
This actually creates a striking similarity between the world at the beginning and the world at the end
Jesus and Peter talk about this when they equate the Noah's day with these days of the son of man
Similarly Peter talked about the world destroyed in the beginning by water in the world destroyed at the end by fire
in both cases the redemption is the same
The world's destroyed and recreated
In the beginning it is destroyed by water and recreated to begin to be redeemed
At the end it is destroyed by fire and is in the final phase of redemption the ultimate redemption of the new creation that will never end
In either case the phases of sin are also at maximum
In Noah's day the entire world is wicked or almost entirely sparing a remnant and they are ignorant and they ignore God's warning of chastisement
At the end of the world the near whole of the world is wicked in the great apostasy sparing a remnant of gentile Catholics and then the Jews who convert at that time
And the gentiles in apostasy are ignoring God's warnings of the terrible judgment that is coming because they have left the church
They ignore and go into the Great tribulation and then in the Great tribulation they do not repent because they are incurable turned away from God
We do not have the space now to go into exactly what these ages are but suffice it to say that the ages of the world are days of creation and constantly alternate between evening and morning which is the same between a spiritual darkness and a spiritual light
The spiritual lights are the phases of redemption and the spiritual darknesses are the phases of sin
For the record at least some detail in the Book of Revelation the beast is delineated as five Kings have fallen one is a 7th has not yet come and possibly an eighth that brings one back to be again
This concurs well with Saint Methodiuss of Olympus in tradition
He effectively says that five are the ages of the Old law up to an including the first coming of Christ
Then the 6th is designated into the church as an age of Labor against heresy and wickedness
The 7th is the millennium of rest which canby the symbol of our lady's age of peace that is coming for Fatima
And he says that the 8th is eternity which again agrees that as Jesus rose from the dead on the eighthe day so all humanity will rise from the dead in the public judgment in the age that interrupts the Great tribulation to end the world
Again these scales are consistent because the joy ascends and the sorrow decent
The ironic scales are in a situation where the direction is contrary to the to the emotion
These are effectively ascending sorrow, and then descending Joy
These would clearly flesh out the finer details of the Catholic faith in terms of the two great dimensions of the human soul and in fact the dimensions of the catechism
Namely the truth for the intellectn, and the sacraments of Grace for the soul for the will
The truth means the revelation of the development of the of the doctrines of the church in the ages or the illuminative way of the church
This scale ascends because as the church moves through history her understanding of the mysteries of the faith becomes deeper throug doctrinal development
But it is a scale of sorrow because at each juncture that she develops doctrine great portions of the world around her reject with heresies and schisms and infidelity etc
As for the descending Joy is the sacramental scale of the person who receives all seven sacraments which would be either a married priest or deacon as in say the Eastern rites or an exceptional cases in the Roman rite with say a Protestant Minister who converts.
... Let us take a break so I don't lose this
Some preliminary considerations of the sower part ii
As for the scale of descending Joy then with the person who receives all seven sacraments that is again the married priest or Deacon , the scale is as it were joyful because to receive the sacraments is joy in every case because one is either healed spiritually as in the the confession or the anointing of the sick or else giving or else given beloved marks from God is in confirmation baptism which are wonderful one-time sacraments of joy to enter into a more Fuller communion of the church to initiation
To the vocations of marriage and holy orders themselves form as it were beloved Joy, the joy of the marital covenant and journey in life and for the married Deacon the joy of serving God as in the service of baptism and marriage and other ways of evangelizing and preaching
but the scale is descending because in the physical sense one is descending towards the frailty of weakness suffering and death
For I have heard it said that the day you are born you are beginning to die as it were
Now we can look towards the more of a find incredible coincidence or is it not of how the sacraments are delineated in terms of the sharps and flats
The Sacramental scale here does not merely consist of an octave as in 8 notes because obviously there are only seven sacraments
In fact it is actually nine notes
Well of the seven sacraments we must also have natural birth and natural death at the beginning and end of the poles of life
Hence seven sacraments plus natural birth and natural death equals nine steps
Now there is a law for these nine notes for any key
And that is this
that the sharps and flats always occur at the same places in The descent mainly right before the following steps or notes
For this end the way this looks on a piano when we use the best illustrative example which is the key of C
Hear all the pure notes of the key are the white keys and all the flats on The Black keys exclusively
Then the nine notes are nine white keys that descend from C down to the B below the C
Again this is the key of C major descending the octave plus one note below the octave
First let us lay out the steps by number so we know what we are talking about
1. Natural birth
2. Supernatural birth baptism
3. Confession
4. Eucharist
5. Confirmation
6. Marriage
7. Holy orders
8. Anointing of the sick
9. Natural death or Heaven
So again the flats by law always occur before right before 3 4 and 5 and before 7 and 8.
These are the sacraments of confession Eucharist and confirmation in our analysis and concluding with holy orders and anointing
The other steps or sacraments do not have a black key before them
Namely baptism marriage and natural death
This effectively means that between natural birth and baptism there is no black key and similarly between confirmation and marriage and between anointing and natural death
Now not e that how can we look at The Black keys or the flats?
Well these notes do not fully fit with the piano notes of the key, they're like imperfect notes.
Priests are imperfect persons because they are sinners
And now not e that in all of the five sacraments above that are immediately preceded by a black key or a flat or an imperfect note
These sacraments require a priest absolutely to be given since only priests or Bishop can perform these sacraments
No heretic or heretical community has these sacraments because they lack apostolic succession on which the five absolutely require
Consider it
The forgiveness of sins is delegated exclusively to priests
Other than bishops who else we can do it but normally delegated to priests
No Protestant Minister can forgive sins the name of God
Whether by confession or anointing
As far as the Eucharist is concerned only a priest a validly ordained the priest can turn bread and wine into God the second person of the Holy Trinity
No Protestant Minister has this power even if he thought he had it
Only a successor of the apostles which is the same Bishop can ordain another Bishop or a priest which is to say holy orders
Finally confession or I mean confirmation is the strengthen the soul for the adult life in the fullness of faith
But heretics do not have the fullness of Faith because they are tossed to and throw by every wave of doctrine
So confirmation cannot make sense of them because they don't know exactly what path to follow with their errors
Only an apostolic Church has the near fullness of Truth to guide the soul down the right path
It's only Catholics and schismatics can have the sacrament
Which then means it requires at least a priest
Now baptism is valid for heretics by ancient declaration and the marriage between two validly baptized Christians even if they are heretics is valid if they are free to marry and if they mean the vows and consummate
Hence that an imperfect note lies behind the five exclusively apostolic sacraments is a powerful metaphor for the fact that five of these apostolic sacraments absolutely absolutely required to be mediated through an imperfect person a sinner a priest or Bishop
That is to get to the Sacramento steps you must pass through an imperfect note or priest a sinner
And the three times where the note does not have a black key before it means that it does not require a priest to be received to be mediated it
And this fits perfectly because baptism Note 2 is directly preceded by a piano white note natural birth
Again baptism does not require a priest but his had by heretics
Finally marriage would succeed confirmation does not have a black key before it since marriage does not require a priest but can be had by heretics if they meet the requirements
Finally between natural death and holy orders there is no black key since natural death isn't even a sacrament and therefore it does not require a priest
Know it also does the 8th note is the anointing but the scale does not end until 9
Nine is heaven presumably if the person was a saint
Now interestingly enough the note just below the major note of the key forms as it were the major seventh chord which is effectively a beautiful chord that conveys the sense of rest in the key of joy
This is totally apropos of the eternal rest of Heaven
Iin the next segment we will show how the base chords of the scale of joy reveal everything that will be in heaven either in principle or an eternal mark and these total notes are six whereas the other three will never be in heaven and only temporarily in purgatory and the negation of which will be in hell eternally
This thing gives us from the original essay
The numbers 10 6 and 3
Which formed the base factors of the parable of the sower 100 60 and 30 fold
Putting together the parable of the sower
Now we have shown about the numbers 10 and 6 and 3
There are 10 commandments and through the practice there of the Church militant defeats the world whose number is 10 also as in the ten horns of the beast in Daniel 7 and of the dragon and beast in the Book of Revelation
Who all fight against the ten commandments to destroy the souls of men
In addition we saw that there is a scale of nine notes that is descending Joy that images the Sacramento path of someone who receives all seven sacraments namely a married priest or deacon
Six of the Sacramento steps remain in heaven either by principal or by eternal mark
The other three of the nine steps do not at all remain in heaven
This establishes the numbers 10 6 and 3
For the time being we will simply go to the theology and then show why these numbers exist according to the music
Here's a brief synthesis
Three Sacramental Signs shall never be again in heaven
Confession: There shall never be sin in heaven ever, nor is there penance or healing to do, we will have been utterly purged and utterly made selfless.
Anointing of the Sick: Every tear shall be wiped away, there is no more suffering in the heaven, nor need for healing.
Natural Death: though we will have to die naturally, our soul first shall partake of the beautiful life that shall never end, then, at the end of time, our body also: “And death and the netherworld were cast into the lake of fire.”
The other six sacramental components of life will last forever in heaven either literally or in principle.
Six Sacramental Signs will remain forever:
Natural life: Forever will we live, even supernaturally.
Baptism: Forever will we be children of God, the indellible mark of Baptism, members of Christ’s Church, forever will we continue to know and love God, the Baptismal Disposition.
Confirmation: Forever will we be a mature member of the Church, sealed with the Spirit, the indelible mark of the Gifts of the Spirit on our Soul.
Eucharist: Literal Eucharist will cease, but forever shall we commune with our brothers and sisters, forever shall we feast on God's truth and love and one another's love, forever will the eternal Sabbath last, the supreme day of the Eucharist.
Marriage: Literal marriage will cease in heaven, but forever will we be spouses of the Christ, both individually and collectively, receiving into our inner being the love and truth of God and offering ourselves back to Him in unfathomable ecstasy.
Holy Orders: Forever will we be marked a servant of Our God, whether by the literal, eternal and indellible mark of Holy Orders, or by the vocation that God gave us as servants and handmaids: mediating grace as a priest, as a biological father, as a single lay person in his talents and gifts, or too, in the feminine sense, motherly gifts and service, and sisterhood.
The question now is why do these six sacramental steps exist the way that they are
The answer seems to come from the profound musical theory as follows
The Crux of it is this
Sanctifying Grace is already a Foretaste of Heaven because it is a very participation in the Divine Life love and knowledge of the trinity who is the ultimate essence of Heaven
This seems to indicate that everything in heaven exists in the minimal things that are necessary to attain sacrifying Grace
It turns out that the first primary way we receive sanctifying Grace is through baptism
Hence all that is necessary to get a taste of Heaven is baptism
And yet now we can imagine that if we follow the notes that make up the simplest chord from baptism we will get all of the fullest indications of what will remain in heaven and only those things
And that incidentally forms as it were what we will see
However we must note that before we receive baptism which is our supernatural birth we must first exist which is to say our natural birth
Hence the full implications of what leads to heaven must be the base chords whiche follow first from natural birth and then supernatural birth in the musical scale
As it stands to work out intrinsically from natural music the base chords of these notes what you do is you derive from them the points of partial resolution
By partial resolution we mean that the notes do not leave you hanging and so have a sense of resolution but they are not complete because they are not the octave
And so a partial resolution as it were
Now for the major chord of the of the base key and assuming you're ascending a scale
The base cord or simplest cord is 135
1 of course is the base note of the key
3 is the note that forms the happy sense or or major
And 5 is like it says is the fifth the simplest note that goes with a base note of the key since it is the first note that follows from the laws of harmonics that is distinct from the base note and yet emotionally neutral, unlike the third note which conveys happiness which is a positive emotion
However when we are descending the scale of joy the points of these resolutions are encountered in a different order
Here in the descending order in the descending scale the fifth note occurs in the fourth step and the and the third note occurs in the sixth step
Hence the natural birth chord is 146
Which is by our list
1. Natural birth
4. Eucharist
6. Marriage
For the next chord which drives from step 2 or baptism. The points of resolution and therefore the next chord is just scooted down a notch or 257
2. Baptism
5. Confirmation
7. Holy orders
Profoundly these are the exact sick Sacramento steps we found to exist in heaven and only in heaven
The other three notes do not fit into these cords
3. Confession
8. Anointing of the sick
9. Natural death
Something else even more profound exists when we compare the two chords of Heaven
One chord conveys the following mystery
None of the sacramental steps gives one an eternal Mark like the other chord
But it's principles will exist in heaven at least figuratively forever
And the other chord an eternal Mark is given, But the principles of the sacraments will never exist in heaven either literally or figuratively
Let us probe it
The first chord is natural birth, Eucharist, marriage
None of these sacraments leaves an indelible eternal mark on the soul
But at least figuratively the principles of these sacramental steps will last forever
Firstly we see that this is true in terms of the mark
Natural birth does not give you an indelible mark nor does the Eucharist since we receive the Eucharist all the time
Nor does marriage imprint on either spouse an indelible eternal mark
In fact this makes sense since marriage ceases to exist at the death of one or more spouse
However the principles will exist in heaven forever at least figuratively
Our natural life will persist forever in heaven even supernaturally in the resurrection
The Eucharist will cease literally but the Holy Communion that we will have with our brothers and sisters celebrating the mystery of our faith the truth the doctrines and the life and love of God the draws us together as one will last forever and ever
And since the Eucharist must be celebrated by every Catholic ordinarily on the Sabbath The ultimate 8th day Sabbath of Sunday
So all the just will rest in the 8th day of eternity apocalyptically in the resurrection and New Creation Sabbath
Finally marriage will cease literally as Christ testifies to the hypocrites that challenged him about whose wife will she be of the seven Brothers
Nevertheless conglomerantly the entire church will be married to Christ as will each of us be to Jesus individually
The sign of man to woman will be fulfilled between Christ and the church
Jesus Will offer his entire being to us by penetrating the inner being of our souls with his truth mystery and life and Grace and we shall receive it into our inner being conceive it and offer ourselves back to him forever and ever in an eternal ecstasy
The wedding feast of the Lamb in apocalypse
On the other hand for the other chord which is to say baptism, confirmation, holy orders,
Each of these sacraments leaves an indelible eternal mark on the soul that shall never be erased
Yet the principles of the sacraments will never exist in heaven ever again because they will not be needed
More specifically the disposition of baptism is Faith and repentance
But in heaven there is no faith because we see God as he is ; for faith is believing in what you have not seen what you do not hav absolute proof of
Nor will we have repentance or have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling as it is written for we are now saved in the bosom of God, never again to be lost and never again able to sin or have to fight against sin since once we see God we can never look away the infinite Ecstasy of the beatific vision
As for confirmation it exists to strengthen the soul to fight the battle for the mature Christian Life to attain heaven
But once we make it to heaven we no longer have to fight to make it to heaven we are already there and we have reached the maturity that can never be lost
Finally in holy orders though the priest is indelibly marked in the soul there is no need for Bishop's the pope or the priests to tell us things out of authority that we could allnot know infallibly without them for we are face to face with God who is the infinitely infallible revealer of all things
In other words if God is before us there is no more Revelation mediated to men ; God gives himself and tells us directly
As for the three things that never exist in Heaven nonetheless they exist in purgatory for a time at least in principle
3. Confession
All sin has been forgiven in purgatory but the full consequences of sin as temporal punishment has not been forgiven nor purged from us about attachments
Hence the penance that was not fully done for our sins is still remaining in purgatory which is intrinsically related to the sacrament of confession
8. Anointing of the sick
Anointing brings spiritual healing to the person who is suffering many times in old age
This is effectively persisting in purgatory
In the sense that the soul is still suffering for his sins and needs to be spiritually healed of his attachments the things of this world
9. Natural death
The sooul has technically died and is separated from the body and so natural death is persistent in purgatory
Only when the soul is fully purged and enters into the glory of Heaven do the consequences of natural death disappear and the soul find eternal life
So now we see that the ten commandments show that the church militant fights against the world and conquers it
Or 10 * 10
Ten commandments 10 horns of the world
6 * 10
Six is the number of Heaven as we have seen and so the church triumphant triumphs over the world through her prayers for the saints and is also triumphed over the world by attaining eternal life
And 3*10
The three of the purgatory suffering saints shows the church suffering has had victory over the world but who's sufferings complete the redemption of Christ for them.
So that all in all the numbers of the parable of the sower
Can convey The mystery of the communion of the saints
10 the church militant
6 the church triumphant, and
3 the church suffering
And the communion of saints bears forth fruits to conquer the world for Jesus the 100 fold the 60 fold in the 30 fold!