Why Revivals Are Needed by All
The Constitution of the United States of America!
A Document that should be at the heart of every American, both born as citizens and naturalized as well. There never should occur a question as to the words new citizens recite beginning with these words; “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” The oath continues, but my point is how many naturally born citizens can recite this or live by its dictates today. As natural born citizens we never had to speak these words and sadly how many are not living by its dictates today.
We can write or speak about how much degradation has occurred in this nation of freedom spelled out in songs, remembering those who gave their lives on the battlefields around the globe, or have suffered at the hands of insurrectionists who no longer care about what freedom means, even though they take advantage of its premises.
Article 1 gives all of us the freedom of the press, which lately has suppressed the truth to most of the citizens of our nation, freedom to worship at a church, synagogue, or mosque of their choice without government interference, that is already being challenged by unholy persons in government or at least protection to do as they please.
What do we, as upstanding God-given children of God, find within our voting power to counter these attackers of removing the freedoms given by God and the rules of the Constitution of the United States of America gives us freely and has existed for nearly 250 years?
There was a time when the voting booth became the weapon needed to fight far-left in government, those who do not want freedoms for the most of us, or the powers-that-be in the white house and the halls of congress. But today, with so much turmoil in congress, the white house, the president and his staff of cabinet appointees has corrupted the very tenets of what the writers of the Constitution meant for the years ahead in ths nation.
Just recently, almost three weeks ago, we celebrated the Fourth of July, memorializing the meaning of elation and pride as Americans announced that we are free to govern ourselves with a government that carries out the wishes of the voters. Unfortunately, that is not the case as we can see the tributes are no longer aimed at Washington DC, but now the deceit of the oval office and those who adhere to the suggestive pronouncements from there do not live entirely to the Articles of the Constitution.
We should be able to rely on the elections not too far away, but with so much dishonesty recently in our system of trust, the results may not always be relied upon. However, the polling booths must still be used since this was also created as a fail-safe institutional manner of putting into those pre-mentioned offices those who will do the voters’ requests. Remember, we are their bosses, not their subservants.
Ralph B. Hathaway