Hate is not your friend. It will only destroy you.
We commonly either dismiss our sins with excuses or we think less of ourselves because of our sins. But you and I are children of God. While the sin gravely offends Our Father, He wants to do anything He can to reconcile you with Him, and thus the whole family. Our failures tear Him apart, but nothing can tear Him apart nearly as much as us turning away from Him and being lost to Hell forever. He desires your good in all things.
We are weak and fall into sin much more than we would like. But Our Father is always there! Like the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the Father is waiting for us. Desiring to put a ring on our finger and throw a party in honor of our reconciliation. The Prodigal Son came back because He was hungry, not because of a desire to right his wrong, but he also admitted to his failures in seeking food thinking he deserved nothing more. Our Father wants to give us more than we desire... more than we deserve.
He is your Father. You are His child. There is nothing greater than this. You are God’s and He is yours. And when we fail, He can break the bonds of sin, if we let Him. Our Father is vastly stronger than us, but also vastly stronger than the Devil and his demons. We will be tempted, but we can scoff at the temptations and cling to Our Father’s strength. It is not our strength that will outdo the temptations, but Our Father’s. If we try to do it ourselves, we will most assuredly fail. If we cling to Our Father’s strength, we will most assuredly succeed and enjoy the Heavenly party for all of eternity.
Jesus, You share Your Sonship with us in order that we can be children of The Father as well. Help us to be good children and assure us of what we need in order to do so. Amen.