“You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves.” St. Francis de Sales
Recently we celebrated the memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus. They were friends of our Lord and I would like to think how much He must have rested with them. They seemed to know Him so well. Christ needed a respite in His love, also. It would appear they felt so comfortable around our Lord since He was scolded, in a sense, when Martha felt that she did not have any help with the housework. We all feel tired sometimes. I certainly do. I have been working a lot lately and that takes its toll on me sometimes. I certainly enjoy what I do but I only have so much energy in a day. Christ got tired too.
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” St. Augustine
Recently, a friend was explaining to me about a confrontation she had one afternoon. The details are not so important. It was not so easy to speak out against people who are so indifferent to others. I find that there is a mediocrity with many of us since the pandemic began and ended. Christ does not want us mediocre. He wants us to live intensely. I see young people at mass again and it is a great thing to behold. So many of us look in all the wrong places when there is so much waiting for us with Christ. I asked a student I teach who worked in various places in Africa and now she wants to learn English. I wondered why she would want to travel in places such as these and give her time. Her answer – ‘since I was a child, I have wanted to do this - to help others.’
“Love to be real, it must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self.” St. Teresa of Calcutta
Saint after saint that I have read about sends the same message to me. I also read about Pope Urban and how he launched the Crusades. His feast day occurred recently. Each pope has such a responsibility to witness to others. Each of us has the same responsibility. Sometimes I get worn down; prayer can be dry. It is in these moments that we must persevere and resist the temptation to give up. For it is precisely in these moments that the Holy Spirit comes to help us. It is in these moments that God is trying to speak to us. We need to listen.
“It is love alone that gives worth to all things.” St. Teresa of Avila