Historians call Ukraine a ‘miracle’
“And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came forth from him and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19)
The power of Christ that flowed from him while he walked on earth has not stopped. The faucet of grace, healing, mercy, and resurrection has not been turned off simply because he is in heaven. We still can reach out for him, to “touch” him, and to experience Him. When we seek to draw near to Christ then He draws near to us. There are illusions of power and grandeur all around us. The news promulgates the image of power held within politicians and celebrities. Nature will showcase power within the beauty of mountains, strength of water, and damage of wind. Real and all-encompassing power resides within God and God alone.
Are you hungry? He can rain manna down from heaven. Are you thirsty? He brings forth water from rocks. Are you lonely? He is always near you. Are you struggling financially? He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and can multiply the remnants in your cabinet. He is not limited in resources. Do you need to feel accepted? He has adopted you as His child. Whatever area of your life that is broken, wounded, or bleeding, the Lord can heal.
True power is one that changes lives. It is one that can change one’s destiny, alter one’s eternal path, and reach the depths of a heart impenetrable by any other. There is no area of your life that Christ cannot heal. What do you need Him to heal? He has the power to do it.