Living Liturgically Part 6: Liturgy of the Hours
Today I am reminded of the song “Show Me Your Glory” by Third Day. In the song, the group speaks of seeing a glimpse of God’s splendor, the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen. They’ll never be the same. They’ve seen the Lord’s face and His majesty, and they will no longer settle for ordinary things. They ask God to keep showing them His Glory and making known His presence to them.
Does this resonate with us? Have we seen a glimpse of God’s splendor and beauty? Have we seen His face in our lives? Are we still the same? Do we keep asking to see His Glory and feel His presence in our lives? Do we no longer feel like we can settle for what is ordinary after these experiences?
Notice I’m not asking: Have you said all the Catholic prayers in your devotional faithfully? Have you been a good steward to the Church? Have you done good deeds? Not that those aren’t important...but sometimes those flow from following commands rather than following a surge of the heart or a true encounter with the Lord.
How can we be disciples without truly seeing a glimpse of God, without encountering His face, without sensing His presence, and without seeing some of His glory – in ways that markedly change our hearts? That’s what the Transfiguration is all about. Encountering God in His glory and being transfigured as a result. Without these experiences, often we’re just going through the motions and habits of day to day Catholic life.
I’ve been so touched to see all the young people at World Youth Day. I’m amazed at how they are bearing the heat and intense crowds all for the love of God and to see glimpses of His glory and grace. It’s so clear to me that these young people have truly seen a glimpse of God’s glory and a surge of the heart through that experience that will affect them for years to come. How could they ever be the same? It’s like a modern day Transfiguration experience! I'm sure the Church thought of that before me and planned this event precisely at that time, but I find it to be a pretty cool example of what today is all about.
Now I’m too old for World Youth Day, as you probably are too, but like the disciples in the Transfiguration, and like the pilgrims showing us in Lisbon, God longs to show Himself to His children so they are never the same. He does that in a lot of different ways, unique to each one of us. What is the mountain God wants you to climb to see His glory? Ask Him to show you.
Come Lord, show us your glory.