Called to become one with the Spirit
Living in a world Without Sin!
Can you imagine that there could be an entity that exists where no sin occurs? Look at the question in a more direct fashion and say there are no persons who are without sin therefore, that environment does not exist. If the creation of mankind had not turned to self-gratification we could easily point back in time to the reality of following God’s mandate to obey a simple rule.
How the adherence to obedience that became too strict to follow is the very tenuous problem we live with today. We like to point back at the temptations Satan used to corrupt humanity by promising Eve that God would not kill her if she bowed to his attraction. The very manner he used to seduce Jesus when he promised everlasting power. Yes, the devil made me do it is an old stand-by to lean on whenever someone falls into a serious difficulty, claiming it was Satan by his cunning lies that caused me to fall.
However, the reality of weakness is the potential straw that breaks the back of good intentional people who are too easily attracted to the glow of wealth at any cost, the lust for power at the expense of other people, and the pride of being on top of the world.
These simple but deadly attributes pull so many people away from the one command God used for our own good. It's like the term we can’t see the forest for the trees. Goodness exists but the pleasures of life are blocking the reality of perfection in God.
There are many tenets we can grab hold of to keep our souls from falling into the treachery of evil that is always around us. The story of Satan tricking Adam and Eve stands as a perfect example of how we, weakened by the lack of listening to God, are vulnerable to the pleasure of sin. For Catholics we have the Sacraments, especially the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, which without it we will become an empty vessel lacking eternal grace.
Without the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died we would not have the grace to avoid sin and perhaps become members of the entity without sin. In spite of the irony of the Crucifixion becoming the only way to find this city, man still finds ways to avoid the perfection needed to become one with God. But, it isn’t the lack of understanding God’s purpose for our salvation, it is the sanctifying grace handed to us through his Son’s suffering and ultimate Resurrection. There is a city without sin, but we will not be there until our own resurrection and entrance in heaven. Then the peace of Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life shall become the reality we always longed to find.
Our greatest malady is sin, and without the Cross, the Eucharist, and belief in the Resurrection of Christ, the sin that is real has an empty home to lodge in. Return to God’s house, the sacraments, and faith in the reality of God’s Grace. Find Christ if you have lost him.
Ralph B. Hathaway