Reading between the lines of Scripture
What can we expect will be the next sign of Evil confronting our Faith?
Just saw another failure in government promoting an attack on God that isn’t new itself, but is a definite sign of how the world’s leaders will establish Antichrist phenomenons This news flash, today, Friday, July 14th, 2023, Sweden has announced the decision to burn copies of the Torah, Bible, and Koran. Assuredly this government isn’t pulling straws as to which religious affiliate they are against. However, we may remember that Hitler did the same.
We should not be surprised at the gross undermining of freedoms, right to life components in society, and the Marxist control of humanity is just around the corner.
Revelation and the predictions therein is a comprehensive accumulation of many prophecies from Old Testament prophets warning of these very incidents. Daniel, the one book that parallels much of the information John wrote about in the Apocalypse of the end times. The dream of King Belshazzar was interpreted by Daniel of an upcoming disaster regarding kingdoms that would be devoured. A lot of it leaned onto the kingdom of the king and ultimately would be overtaken by an everlasting kingdom. This is the final kingdom that God would set up when Christ comes back during the parousia. In Revelation, the kingdom referred to is Rome and the mighty rule of our current control by a collection of kingdoms under the control of the Antichrist. (Dn 7: 1 ff. Rev 11: 7).
It is a time when men will seek protection from caves and other ramparts to protect them, but nothing is going to keep those who are left on the earth from the impending disaster. As much as anyone can continue the warning, which began centuries ago, it is a very strong element of nuclear proliferation that will be part of what is about to confront humanity. Why choose that manner of bringing about the eschatology staring at us? The nations that are in line to destroy Israel are Iran, China, Russia, and would you believe the nation supposedly Israel’s closest ally is America. Once the kingdoms surrounding Rome (from Revelation) get their directions from the Beast, the False prophet, and the Antichrist, there will be no turning back. King Belshazzar was warned, the Seven Churches of Asia were warned, and the current leaders in this 21st century are being warned, beginning with those in the West Wing of the White House are being warned. Who will be the courageous leader to stand up and confront the Antichrist who probably is on the doorstep of a free society?
California now has a mandate that aborted babies who survive their demise may be killed for up to 28 days. Who could believe that these pro-abortionists would take their murderous tactics to this point? In ancient Israel parents offered their children to false gods through tortuous actions; after over 50 million babies being destroyed in the womb, and now even after survival viciously murdered to appease present false gods of pleasure, money, and convenience.
They kill, they laugh and celebrate the deeds they believe are their new treasures to make them free of God. We know where God is; do we know where we are as our faith has become a false god as well? Only time will tell, but do we have any more time to turn back to God?
Ralph B. Hathaway