Jesus, Friend of Sinners
God’s Truth as spoken with meaning for all!
If we must delve into the very Truth of God, as Jesus refers to himself, we need to start at the beginning. This beginning may not satisfy many curious minds since the original start of something must have a time-period allotted to it.
In order to ascertain the original time slot in history a reporter should have been on sight to report a step by step progress as the world’s existence unfolded before the eyes of man. This news flash must have at least two very essential patterns as God presented a massive construction project. First, where were the building materials and who were the builders that placed each material entity one upon another?
Of course, this all fits into a rhetorical fantasy that not only didn’t fit the actual placement of what we call earth and all of its environmental images that filled the earth then and now in human history.
Then how can we imagine understanding what truth really means as far as an entity like that spoken of by God, and the essence of its impact upon human beings?
Let’s actually go back to when God (the Trinity) imagined a creature he called humanity as part of a plan known only to himself that would pick up on the tenets of this plan and become the result of a word called Love. This love is what God is composed of, not an afterthought, but an actual existence of a divine nature. Once we have recorded within the finiteness of a human brain the next step of our progression can begin.
Since there is no past with God this plan already is filtering into our present lives and each movement you and I are in the process of living out already has a continuing pattern with faults, forgiveness, and outcomes to ensure the plan God already imagined.
I like to compare the completion of our spiritual journey as a small piece of a much larger puzzle that we cannot even imagine. As each one finally fits into this puzzle the contemplated plan of God’s desire gets closer to the end, which is just the beginning of the future heaven and earth described byJohn. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” (Rv 21: 1).
However, we are getting ahead of ourselves since the most important element of God’s plan has yet to be explored. Because as God implemented this plan he already saw the manner man would reject the essence of God, the Love that is him, he knows that a path must become an easy way for man to pick himself up and reach for the narrow gate that leads to heaven.
Man sinned against God by simply making himself false idols to replace the True God. No human, in spite of many godly type of humans, could satisfy the guilt we took upon ourselves to find forgiveness. If we sinned against another human we could find forgiveness. The sin against a divine person required another divine person to satisfy the occurrence committed by humanity. Therefore, the Truth of forgiving all of humanity would require another divine person to pay the price. Since there is no other divine person except God, God would stand in our place as a ransom. Jesus Christ became the Incarnation, Truth number one. Jesus walked the earth as the God-man, two natures in one person. Truth number two. Jesus, as man (and always God) suffered trying to convince his adversaries to repent and accept his presence as God among mankind. Truth number Three. For his attempt to plead his reason for this visit to humanity, he cried looking upon Jerusalem for their rejection. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you were unwilling! Behold, your house will be abandoned, desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Jesus cried over the city of Jerusalem (Mt 23: 37 - 39). Truth number four.
The most reality of rejection of God’s Son is his Passion/Resurrection. Truth number Five.
Do we need any more factual notes of what the Truth of God Is as spoken in real human terms with meaning for all of us?
Ralph B. Hathaway