My Eucharistic Wake Up Call
“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Jesus says to Peter in today’s Gospel.
Can you hear Jesus speaking these words to you when you are sinking, wandering, or straying from Jesus in your sea of doubts?
When I reached my 30s, faith started to not be easy. My faith was tested by the winds and waves of life. By this point, some of my desires and dreams hadn’t come to fruition, life looked different than I thought it would, and I started to sink in the sea of doubts.
Everyone around me seemed to have all they wanted… yet I was suffering and I wasn’t seeing mine manifest.
Was God really a good God? Was God really in my corner? Would anything work out in my favor? Were all those promises He spoke of real?
In that space I learned a valuable lesson: Jesus is in the boat with me in my sea of doubts. Each time he reached out his hand and pulled me up.
This Gospel is a metaphor for our lives and the storms that shake us. Jesus isn’t far in those times, but we often take our eyes off of Him and try to fix the problem ourselves like our good friend Peter. Meanwhile, He’s in the boat reaching out His hand to us.
He is the only one that can calm the sea of doubts and turn it into a sea of faith.