Gaze Upon She Who Is The Dispenser Of Grace
The Assumption of The Mother of God reveals to us the dignity of the human body. Mary, being free from the stain of original sin, is the New Ark of The Covenant; the Holy Vessel which contains The Living God. Upon receiving our Eucharistic Lord, we too become living vessels, a “tabernacle” of sorts containing within us The Living Lord. Thus following in the footsteps of Our Blessed Mother who housed Our Lord within her being. The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother into Heaven, allows us to understand the sacredness of the human person free from sin. The glory of Mary is that she was "home" to The Lord. Christ tells us that whoever eats of His Flesh and drinks His Blood, will be raised up on the last day. Upon receiving The Eucharistic Lord, we too become “home” to God; thus allowing us to one day live in perfect body-soul harmony, as Our Lady did. The Assumption lets us know, that the glory of The Resurrection, will soon be ours as well.