The Parable of the Unfaithful Servant
So long insecure and aching,
Giving love – but never taking;
Against gifted Love defending.
The pain of love mistaken;
The betrayal of love forsaken
Gives way to God’s love befriending.
Bewildered, but believing,
No longer lies my heart deceiving –
In human love, Your love is fruitful.
My empty heart is full of yearning.
Now in love’s conversion turning,
Knowing You made me deeply beautiful.
Read the lines: giving love but never taking; against gifted love defending. This is about the way we often give away our affections until we are empty. We have a hard time find the one to fill our hears. Reflect and write about what this means to you.
Read the lines: The pain of love mistaken; the betrayal of love forsaken. Reflect and write about how human love makes it hard to understand or trust the love of God.
Read the line: Bewildered but believing…in human love Your love is fruitful. This is about finding love first in God, and then taking a second look and finding love in others.
Read the line: In love’s conversion turning, knowing You made me deeply beautiful. Reflect and write about what it means to be deeply beautiful to the Lord.