Was St. Frances Cabrini Scrupulous?
This will probably be the shortest article that I have ever written. It won't really even count as an actual article but, I simply cannot hide this great video under a bushel...
Considering that we are in a National Eucharistic Revival, it is important that we truly open our hearts and dive deep into the faithful, traditional, and beautiful truths concerning the Eucharist. Whether that be in books such as "Jesus Our Eucharistic Love" by Fr. Stefano Manelli, Bishop Schneider's "Dominus Est - It is the Lord!" "The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure" by Michael Müller, Joan Carroll Cruz's "Eucharistic Miracles: And Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints" to name a very select few.
Today, however, there are some Catholic speakers that not only hit the nail on the head when it comes to Catholicism, but they also call us to fall ever deeper in love with Christ in the Eucharist, not solely because it'll "make us feel good." They strike that perfect balance. They bring the beauty and Tradition of Catholic teaching while speaking with honesty, without feeling forced or unnervingly cringe.
"GabiAfterHours" is one of those speakers. His talks led me back to serious Catholicism when I was a teenager, mostly because of his tone and his message. He spoke from his heart, yet didn't withold the hard truths. He continues this today.
Today I recommend to you one of his Eucharistic talks. I promise you will not finish the video without being called inside to do even more for the Holy Eucharist.
He begins the video by quoting what Our Lord told St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; that He suffers more in the Eucharist than He did in His Passion because of the ingratitude of men and the infidelity of His priests. Wow...
Gabi continues a little later, "Jesus is really, really, really, REALLY present in the Most Holy Eucharist! No... you don't understand my friends... (...) the same Jesus that was born in Bethlehem, the same Jesus that the Magi traveled all across the country following a star and got on their faces to worship and adore... the same Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, the same Jesus who help's a withered man's hand grow, the same Jesus that walks on water, the SAME JESUS that was crucified and then came back to life three days later... THAT SAME JESUS; the same Person, is really, truly, substantially Present in the Most Holy Eucharist, and deep, deep, DEEP down, you and I really DO NOT believe it!"
He continues of course but I will not spoil the video for you. I only call on you to listen to it! It is a talk so you can listen to it at any time. Click here to go visit the video.