How Putin’s war in Ukraine is faith based
There is something about darkness that makes us uncomfortable. Dimness from a power outage in our home unsettles us. Darkness is an alley that causes fear to rise within us. Difficult situations that cause darkness to overshadow our daily life and night that fills our soul are as frightening as that dark alley. Do not miss God in the darkness. He is there through it all.
“In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2)
We often miss this small detail in the creation story. The Genesis story is so familiar that many times we glance over the small details. In Genesis 1:2 we read one of those small details: “darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.” (Emphasis mine)
Wind changes things. During a hot and humid day, a breeze across our face makes the heat a little more bearable. An ocean gust during a walk on the beach can bring a bit of peace and comfort when it feels like there is none. The breath and presence of God is always with us. When the darkness covers everything and we fail to see around us, God is the wind we feel. When we are blind to the dangers encircling us, God is the presence that blows across our face.
We all face difficult and dark times. Void does not prevent the Lord from moving and acting. The darkness in your life may differ from your neighbor’s. It may be the loss of a spouse or loved one that brings darkness. It could be the stress of finances, job loss, relationship problems, loneliness, depression, unforgiveness, addiction, or anger. The darkness is a magician. It seeks to cause you to believe that it is permanent and powerful. It may be real, but it certainly has no power above Christ and it is not permanent because we have eternal life with Jesus.
The Lord is always in the wind. God is ever-present with us, and He appeared as wind during Pentecost. It was at the birth of the Church when the Lord appeared like wind. “And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.” (Acts 2:2)
The next time the darkness appears to overshadow you, take a step outside. Feel the breeze and let the wind sweep over you. Know that God is with you. Even in the darkness, He has not abandoned you. The wind is always in darkness and light will forever break through the night.