It's Just a Song
Ohio Catholics are preparing for battle, or at least they certainly should be. In November, an initiative to amend our state constitution will be on the ballot. The proposed amendment, if passed, will enshrine abortion in our state for all nine months of pregnancy. It is cloaked in deceptive and confusing language, but this is the goal and this will be the result, if passed. As Catholics we should be horrified. As Catholics we should also be ashamed and repentant. This amendment initiative should never have gotten this far, and we should not be facing down a potential constitutional right to murder. This time it's for the murder of babies, who will it be next time? This is a slippery slope. This is ultimately our fault. We have failed our state and our nation on this issue, and now we are looking down the barrel of pure and utter devastation.
I say this because as abortion rights mania takes over our state and then our nation, it will destroy us. Don't think for a moment this initiative will bring peace and prosperity to our land, how could it? When we work against divine and natural law to serve our own selfish desires and motivations, we always fall, we always have. As our disregard for the most innocent of human life disintegrates, so does our regard for all life in general. For those of us alarmed by the rise in crime, bullying, and the constant disregard for the well being of our neighbors; what have we done to try and prevent this from happening? All of this evil starts with abortion, the human sacrifice of innocents for convenience and in pursuit of vice.
As we clamor to look out for selfish interests and boost ourselves into the best and more prosperous advantages, we do so at the stake and disregard for our brothers and sisters - we have framed and manipulated even murder as a good. There are some good Catholics among us who have been at the forefront of this fight for decades, but sadly, there are many more "catholics in name only" striving and supporting this kind of initiative and action. They promote and rally for the killing of the innocent lives in defiance of their Faith, their Church, and their God.
Make no mistake about it. This is THE ISSUE. This is the most foundational issue that exists in our nation. It all boils down to who has the right to live and be born and who does not. That people calling themselves catholic and even attending Mass on Sundays as they advocate for this kind of murder that cries to God for justice and vengence is despicable. Catholics who reject Church teaching yet present themselves at the altar for the Eucharist are damaging and condemning themselves. This is grave sin, and a sin against humanity and God, and there will be justice one day. This is an initiative that could have been and should have been shut down - if Catholics would only be Catholic.
As Catholics, we don't get our own opinion on this issue. As Catholics, we are pro-life and anti-abortion period, in all circumstances. If we are a Catholic in disagreement with this teaching, we put ourselves outside and at odds with the Church, and disqualify ourselves from the Sacraments. Cannon Law 1398 states " any Catholic who casts any vote with the intention of legalizing abortion, or of protecting laws allowing abortion, or of widening access to abortion commits a mortal sin and automatically excommunicates himself/herself from the Catholic Church. " Even denying, as a Catholic, that abortion is a gravely immoral act, commits the sin of heresy, the sin of heresy also automatically ex-communicates us from the Church. This is serious business.
If this proposed amendment passes and the foundational issue of life becomes a matter up to the discretion of any mortal being, then look for the disintegration of our society. Look for crime to expand and flourish and for violence to reign and rampage. If we are so callous to disregard the most innocent of life among us, and are willing to kill that life without regret and sorrow, then whose life among us will be deemed of value and worth. This is pretty much a cut and dry issue, we are either pro life or pro death. There is no middle ground and it is an issue that is worthy of making us one issue voters. This issue is ultimately tied to every other issue we will ever vote on, again, it is that foundational. Our country was founded on the virtues of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life comes before all the other pursuits, in fact, no other pursuits are possible without life. Life is guaranteed for all, and only God can deem otherwise.
There are lives are at stake this November in Ohio, but more importantly there are immortal souls at risk. If you don't live in Ohio, don't worry, this will be coming soon to your state as well. Satan reigns in our land, Satan is being honored with this amendment and the carnage and blood will only fuel him further. If we value our souls we will stand up against this menace and injustice, and vote no. Please pray for Ohio. Her soul is at stake, and so is the eternal salvation of her residents.