The Apocalypse Letters to the Seven Churches and Seven Ages of the Church
Sexual Harassment and the Eternity of Hell
Hell exists because we infinitely insult God and therefore have an infinite debt
how do we understand this ?
look at sexual harassment :
even the tiniest sexual harassment deserves Eternal fire as follows:
If a boss says to his employee, hey lady, do a little dance for me , what is he saying?
He is effectively infinitely insulting her because he's saying that she is only worth her body
he is objectifying her
But a woman is immeasurable in worth and priceless because she possesses an eternal soul that will exist forever in one of two places
She is called to give and receive love with the infinite God and all just creatures forever and ever in an ecstasy that will never end
This therefore makes her infinitely more worth than just her physical body and what can be attained from it
And therefore when a man even, in his words , implies that she is only worth her body , he in fact is insulting her to an infinite degree and therefore merits infinite punishment
But infinite punishment can never be made up by a finite creature.
Hence only something infinite could pay the debt
But only God is infinite and therefore it would be necessary for God to pay the debt by suffering unfathomable agony in a soul through insults as well as physical suffering to replace the insult of the physical lust of the man
Hence the Incarnation n The Passion of the Christ
But if the person does not repent, then they have an infinite debt and so must suffer forever without end, even as the woman if she goes to heaven will experience love and wonder forever
This is why when any woman is sexually harassed she feels agony in her soul and may not be able to put her foot on it.
Deep within, if it is revealed to her, she will understand why she is in unfathomable agony. It is, again, because the man is reducing her merely to a physical object to be used for pleasure even if he doesn't lay a finger on her.
It is for this reason that the Christ declared in the scripture, for by your words shall you be justified and by your word shall you be condemned.
There is that stupid statement that says sticks and stones may break my bones but words cannot hurt me.
Reality is when you grow up you know that this is absurd.
Bullying and even verbal abuse is a horrific reality even if the individual is not harmed at all physically, for, simply by the bullies declaring that the person is not worth living because they are a misfit, they have spiritually murdered the individual infinitely because, again, every human person has immeasurable worth by virtue of their soul and the call to possess God and love and knowledge forever.
Hence it is no surprise that suicide is is a common result of bullying and possibly even also sexual harassment since in the depths of their soul it hurts to the core and in fact it is not merely a finite assault but an infinite one as we see above.
I hope that these words of reflection can help persons who have become despondent because of bullying or harassment to know that they are priceless no matter what anyone says and to offer up their pain and sufferings for the conversion of these poor sinners who insult them. may God bless you all