Reconciliation-Part 2
The Fifth Commandment – Part 2
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
In part 1, I wrote about the hideous sin known as abortion. In part 2, I would like to illustrate another hideous sin known Euthanasia.
In an era where humanity places great emphasis on youth and youthful appearances, it is not easy to remember that we all age. Some of us age more gracefully than others. However, if we live long enough we will all need some sort of artificial assistance to let our aged bodies heal and regain strength. All of us when we go through these trials and tribulations of life deserve our love and respect. The new life saving technologies should be used to help the sick, the aged, and the handicapped live productive lives according to their abilities. Even after using these techniques, some may need wheelchairs, oxygen machines, and the like to live.
The new technologies should also be used to possibly strengthen the dying person if it is possible. All human life is sacred to the Lord and the possible prolonging of life may bring a sense of reconciliation between family members. Even patients that are in a coma should receive these extraordinary measures. It is always said that where there is life, there is always hope. One does knot know where the healing hand of God is hidden and we as human beings should not play God. Miraculous recoveries have been documented after life support systems have been halted. Actually, it all depends on the will of God and the patient’s will to live and the cooperation of the patient with these new technologies.
If a person is in pain, all palliative medicines should be administered along with the necessary nourishment and water to sustain life. Failure to do so is a grave sin in itself whether the patient lives or dies. All human beings have the inalienable right to life. No human being has the right to end that life for any reason.
Any type of euthanasia whether direct or indirect is a grave sin because it does not respect human life or the will of God. I can certainly assure you that if it is your time to die, no technology on earth will stop God’s plan for the sick, the handicapped, or the dying. Instead, all families should use this time to enjoy each other’s company and forgive anything that would hinder the dying person to be with God in paradise. That is an extremely comforting thought as some day we will also be with them in paradise.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.