The Day God Set His Church on Fire
I don't know about you, but August always flys by so fast for me. It probably has something to do with the fact that sunny days are akin to rare and precious metals in the Seattle area, and we have no shortage of grey overcast rainy days. Since humans can only handle so many gloomy days before they start to feel a little gloomy, too, daily life can get a little rough. I was having one such doomy gloomy day today when one of my coworkers said in greeting, "Are you ready to have a good day?" His question made me stop in my tracks. "Yes," I thought, "Yes, I think I AM ready to have a good day." I think that God can definitely work wonders inside us if we ask ourselves this question because if we are ready to have a good day, then we just might be ready to notice His blessings when He pours them on our heads, even if they are in the form of cloudy days and a million zillion raindrops.