What Do We Do Between World Youth Days? - "She got up and went with haste." (Lk 1:39)
“Hand Me Downs” No Longer Quite Work – So, What Helps Teenage Boys Shop? Faith and Seasons of Life-Sign Up & Pass It On!
As my children fell asleep, I thought how different it is now, rather than 10 or 15 years ago. Our family is in a house with only 4 children, but 4 bedrooms. We had a computer in the living room, just like now, but my how things are different. Everyone now has their own bed (and there are 3 to spare)! 15 years ago, we struggled as a single income family and did our best to conserve every resource. Now, with time and age, we are still considered a single income family, but there are certain things we have learned that it is wiser to spend money on, or later, you are caught/ it was foolish. Clothing being one. Our Faith is just as important now, as it was then, but the way it is expressed is a little different.
When I was growing up, I looked forward to the “hand me down” bag that came from my cousins. As my children grew, I looked forward to using the “hand me downs” from their brothers and sisters. Now, honestly, boys are a LOT harder on things than girls. Having twins threw a monkey wrench into things at about age 3 and 4, when it was hard to keep pants on the boys without holes! BUT, being from a generous family, and having many friends, clothing was never an issue…UNTIL NOW! “Hand me downs” no longer work. (We now have “give aways”.) Still convenient, but the attitudes towards things have changed.
Do I dare say, we enjoy shopping on Amazon and with EBAY? You order it today, and it can come tomorrow…or in 14 days depending. Reality, the need to “wait for it as a Christmas present” to have something new, my younger children won’t have to do. My twins are over 6 feet and their eldest brother, away at college and 22 is 5 foot 7! There are no “hand-me-downs” anymore- not the “same little baseball outfit”, with all of the nostalgic fun. All of them wear the same shirt size, but honestly, Good Will, Savers, and watching the sales at Kohls, & the Men’s Warehouse are my best bets for them. They are very sports involved, which helps, because, they wear their jerseys a lot! But to go shopping for teenagers…Like my mom reminded me, “I seem to remember, if the shopping was for you as a teenager, you were far more available to go with your mother.” They must go with to see if the pants will be long enough. I found on line things just don’t quite cut it, and if they do, it might not after one washing. If I can see the inches on their feet, I feel more comfortable buying! (Probably most former Macy’s employees feel that way, as that is how we were trained). Does anyone else face this- it’s better to see it on them in real time and in person? I used to wonder, even at Macy’s do the children understand what the parents/ guardians have done for them to get these items? brands? Accessories?
We live in an automatic society. We get what we want, basically when we want. If the item is not liked, or one changes one’s mind, it is returned with a full refund expected- no questions asked. The convenience is unprecedented in our times. Our children still need to know that they need to plan, financially, and physically for life. That everything takes time, and the sooner we incorporate them into the process- the better off they are. But what do you do when they want what the next kid has at church?
Your Faith isn’t like an article of clothing to put on and take off with a certain group of people…like your jersey is for a game and your team. The Deposit of Faith, handed from one generation to the next, is the most important “Hand me downs” a person ever receives. Do we know and appreciate that? If we decide we want better music, more young focus, a livelier priest, an older priest, we can move from one Parish to another without losing our Faith, but the community and what we have is a PRICELESS GIFT. Are we teaching our children to treasure it? Are we modeling good use of our time with it? Are we showing them our resource use with it? Supporting a school where our kids attend is a great way to start, but is that all we are doing?
When that new bag of clothes came into our vehicle, I knew and I was excited as a child for something different. I couldn’t wait to discover the clothing, even that I had seen my cousins wear! Every year at the beginning of the school year, my mom purchased my uniform online, and always too big so I could grow into it! I LOVED IT! Watching our own family outgrow, then downsize, then settle into things, honestly, convenience is easier. Things online are faster, but sometimes, we spend money on things that don’t work. Then what? Did we really cut corners?
MOST IMPORTANTLY, who gave us our Faith? If “faith comes from hearing”, who are we listening the most to? How often? My clothes came from my mother…in general, but there were times others thought of her and “gifted” things to our family. We have “gifted” many things throughout the years, and we have been “gifted to” but what is truly the most important? When we die, what can we take with us? Who we are, as a person, and an account of all whom we have loved. We cannot take things. If God and Jesus were loved the most in our lives, and that shows-not only in our own lives, but in the lives of our families and friends…then we have the greatest gift of all, but if not, why are we living?
As we wrap up summer, I see clearly, the summertime of my family life is wrapping up as well. I had 25 years of raising kids at all stages. (I still have a few years left, but I know it’s almost fall. Time to sign up at our Parishes and give our best efforts, and share the things that we have learned in our journeys, and be there to hear about others’ journeys. What does that look like? Time to be present and bring forth our greatest self, give who we are and share experiences from our lives… (video games don’t do that). Time with family, and friends allows for that sharing of Faith, but only you and I can truly open our minds and hearts and ask our Lord who He wants us to share with and when. Our Parishes provide that safe environment to explore our Faith and share it with others of all ages. Accepting that maybe we might owe someone an apology or have been strong headed or full of pride when responding, and need to offer more than just a smile could hold us back...BUT NO BODY IS PERFECT! Just reflect and be mindful of how we treat others moving forward. Don't get stuck. Reflection always brings growth. Sometimes, we tuck cash in a pocket or purse, and sometimes we can hand a box or bag of clothing, sometimes we share a Mass and many prayers together, and sometimes we feed them pizza at our table. Whatever way God is calling you…include the people around you if you can. Invite a parishioner or even your priest. Let them know the Deposit of Faith, the depth of God’s love- You sharing the reality of sharing real life experience…not just the clothes, but something more! God's presence through your presence to the other person.