Essence of the Divinity of God
Humanity’s place in God’s Plan
This is another article dealing with the mystery of the universe and God’s action of creation for and about you and me.
Imagine, if you can, that once there was a wide array of emptiness we call space. In this vacuum where nothing existed, God, where his Omnipotence overlooked a place that was no place, and the emptiness would suddenly, in God’s time, become inhabited with solar systems as far as the eye could see. However, there is more than one contradiction to this scenario. Since God’s existence is in eternity where there is no past, the word once doesn’t have meaning because it denotes a past significance.
However, when placing the creation of mankind into the vast understanding of God who always was becomes another stumbling block when attempting to make sense of everything and getting nowhere. We are contemplating that God, the Trinity, was just sitting around discussing what to do with all this empty nothing.
It is so easy to put God into a human perspective and decide with our very limited knowledge of the Divine what his next step would be. It would become a tragedy since God doesn’t need us, his creatures, to decide how to run the universe and all the untrained abilities with no sense of creating everything. Remember what God said to Job; “Who is this that obscures divine plans with words of ignorance? Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me if you have an understanding. Who determined its size; do you know? Who stretched out the measuring line for ir? Into what were its pedestals sunk, and who laid the cornerstone?” (Jb:38: 2, 4 - 6).
There is no doubt of our ignorance concerning the creation of everything from nothing. Our question simply lies within the existence of so much to see and not even have an inkling of understanding about the Creator and how it all refers back to us, mankind.
Now God was always in eternity and there was nothing else? Or does the essence of eternity which is God himself contain everything with some type of creation and yet nothing in eternity has no past? Without a past, the tangibles of the universe were always there. That is the crux of eternity. Now, we have more to consider without delving into the how and what of life’s entities. The questions of where did all of this begin and when did God create what is tangible in our finite minds?
God told us that all of creation was to be our task of filling the earth and subdue it. (Gn 1: 28). Are we to just take care of the earth or all of creation? If not now, then when? To put the eternal entity into perspective, if we could understand it, we need to believe that since God IS without a beginning, our presence also had a decided existence from eternity and each one is a piece of a puzzle that when completed the plan that God established from eternity will be our effort as well since we are the hands and talents of doing God’s Will in humanity’s presence.
Ralph B. Hathaway