Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Around 7:30 on the morning of September 11, 2001, I came up from the PATH (Port Authority Trans Hudson) train station, multiple levels below the World Trade Center....
I later saw throngs of people escaping Manhattan, reminiscent of 1998’s The Siege. Yet much different than that movie, I cannot recall New Yorkers singling out any groups as enemies or crying for vengeance....
Later, I became more aware that anti-family practices had been getting imposed on the Middle East, which certainly did not win us any friends (cf, The Hillary Plan, Bucks County Courier Times, 2001). Yet the terrorists who struck the World Trade Center didn’t strike global elites, financial tycoons, or population control masterminds. Their victims were primarily office workers from the five boroughs and New Jersey....
When I started writing this reflection...I hoped to look back with the benefit of a Catholic moral reflection.... Then came the shockingly fast events of August 15th....
President Biden confused the decision about withdrawing from Afghanistan with what appears to have been an ill-prepared operation that effectively abandoned people. Yet, hasn’t he long exhibited a defective moral compass in his decision-making [?]. His apparent belief that he can reconcile policies/practices that are anti-human life and anti-marriage/family with a profession of Catholicism are bizarre and scandalous – to say the least.