Spring Cleaning : Not Only For Your Closet But For Your Mind And Your Soul
I love looking at the butterflies flying around in my garden. Sometimes they will fly two by two, swirling around as if they are dancing to the gentle breeze. In Christianity, butterflies often symbolize The Resurrection. The transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly mirrors the transformation of the soul, emerging out of the tomb into the glorious light of The Resurrection.
I see two white butterflies flying together, and I think about the soul and The Lord. The Lord leads the divine dance, and the soul follows right behind Him, becoming a living reflection of God. The transformation from a heart made of stone to a heart filled with living water. The blossoming of the wings of the soul taking flight in the glorious light of The Resurrection.
“If then any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are made new.”
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
In Christ, all things are made new. May we all follow The Lord closely so we can become a new creation in Him, and emerge from our cocoons, blossoming into who He has created us to be.