Outpouring events of our Salvation through Jesus Christ
Eternity is Forever; Forever is our Goal
We are always a moving entity waiting for nothing and moving ahead as nomads. When one attributable asset dries up we move on. That was the manner people in small communities survived until the industrial revolution entered mankind. After that innovation we no longer depended on grass roots since the occupation of human ingenuity took over and we found ourselves in an evolving economy.
Put that same scenario into a spiritual connection with God and a weakened humanity dependent on more than an unseen creator. The nomad type of existence has not caught up with the industrial revolution and until a Savior arrives to correct the downward descent of sinning we are destined to be a lost generation with no positive direction.
That situation was the ultimate direction mankind was headed for in spite of the industrious activity that was changing how we lived without a spiritual guide. Take a look at how humanity was once a thriving metropolis of God induced people with goodness and honesty being at the forefront of our growing communities. As generations became enthralled with the social entrapment of governments controlling their subjects and supplanting people’s rights to the government alone. We find ourselves in far too many nations living that authority without any say from the people. “Karl Marx.”
Every nation that becomes under the rule of a dictatorship will either be fought with the citizens fighting back, or cower under pressure and fall to a Communist regime. This is what Karl ‘s theory became. He believed all countries should become capitalist and develop that productive capacity, and then workers would naturally revolt, leading to communism whereby the workers would become the dominant social class and collectively control the means of production. It may be a ticket to those who believe in the one rule of life without religion, the True God, and the power of being controlled by monster leaders who will satisfy their own needs first.
God never desired that man would live without the freedom to live in a behavioral manner suited to love and peace with his fellow man. If the state or the society is meant to serve the retaliation of certain values, the danger exists that a supreme authority tells man, and forces him, to think and behave in a certain way. (taken from Marx’s Concept of Socialism-as found on the internet”.
In this latest century we are being placed in a cauldron of confusion and the Church seems to allow some of the anti-Godliness to become second place in a world where it should be telling the parishioners just what is on the horizon. I know there are some things that if pronounced against the halls of Executive leadership the Church could lose tax-exempt status
What would Christ do in these situations, the cry would sound loud and clear from the hierarchy? I understand as I was told twice about my preaching on abortion that we don’t rock the boat. If not us, then who will come to the front of the altar and say what is wrong in the church as a spokesperson for the rights of all people. This is not an entity that can be thrown under the rug or covered over as an Ostrich burying its head in the sand.
Will we as church be willing to stand with our heads held high when the question of who stood up for the total rights of people being supplanted by a Marxist philosophy?
If Eternity is forever and we are to be part of it, we must seek truth and speak up through the Church and not fall under the attributes of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism. These will erase our praise to God replacing him with adherence to an empty false god which is power and deceit.
Ralph B. Hathaway