The Breath of God
To God who IS! Forever will I Praise Him.
There are no other words so profound than to know that God’s presence never was as in the beginning, but always IS an eternal existence. This may certainly go beyond the comprehension of man’s intellect. If we could understand this essence about God we would be divine in thought and therefore equal at least to his Omnipotence. God didn’t create man for him to also create another living entity, but to share the divine graces we already enjoy as God’s ultimate gift in a world that was a void and now is not.
As many writers and preachers have continuously sent warnings to the people of God regarding the similarity of the early prophets’ did for their chosen people, we must also maintain a trust and hope for those who are caught in a whirl of sin with no desire to change.
When God had in his mind nothing but love for this greatest conception of something out of nothing he envisioned a reflection of himself: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Gn 1: 26). For this to be divinely inspired God already saw man’s fall and resurrection in one moment of time, without a past or future. Each of us already is living an existence of an eternal presence with Almighty God, before he breathed life into our nostrils.
It is in this divine premise that you and I are living as holy entities in a world that knows no evil, sees no deception from anyone else, and can only become one collectively with each other as the past of a sinful world has passed on and we shall be one with God in eternity.
Our wonder of a creation full of human beings without the inclusion of our sinfull past will no longer have that image that Satan insists on attaching to our souls. What was will be part of the destination of Satan, his cohorts, and of course the very evil he pronounced upon believers will now be his through eternity.
While we may ponder the possible conclusion that sinners are destined to carry into eternity, the reality of this deadly existence will become the fodder for Satan and those unfortunate souls who refused to live with God’s Grace and find forgiveness through the Cross of Christ.
The reality of Christ’s return during the Parousia is absolute, we still have the mandate to pray for lost souls, and seek the Holy Spirit's presence to be active in each one, sinners and believers. God never wanted any of his creatures to fall from grace and will continue to reach into the lost souls from weakness even up to their last breath.
Hope becomes the one Theological Virtue that is always available to everyone in the absence of a weakened Faith that when applied to all of us will experience the endless Love that is God himself. The three Virtues go together and as St. Paul expressed; “At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully as I am fully known. So faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor 13: 12 - 13).
Ralph B. Hathaway