Mary, The Mother of God
Strange Gods
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
A few months ago I wrote some articles on the First Commandment. Since then, some interesting articles have crossed my path. Two subjects come to mind. One of them is the environment and the other is artificial intelligence.
Lately, we hear a great deal of airtime on television about the environment, the weather, and the Green New Deal. As far as I am concerned, I take great pride in my efforts to recycle everything from newspapers, plastics, metals including old computer electronic boards, and just about everything else that you can imagine. I like to think that I am a friend of the earth.
During the spring and summer, most of the nation has been experiencing a severe heat wave. Where I live, we have had the coolest May and June that I can remember. July and August were seasonable. We had a 3-day heat wave circa Labor Day, and as I pen this article the furnace is already blowing heat in late September.
Many are concerned about this. We are told that there is too much Carbon Dioxide in the air. A simple remedy to that problem is to plant trees. Any fifth grader knows that trees that trees ingest Carbon Dioxide and exhale Oxygen. This is good for all humans and animals. We inhale the oxygen and exhale the carbon dioxide. This is part of God’s plan for the environment. As for the climate, weather patterns always change. The Book of Revelations predicts earthquakes, floods, famines, pestilences, and many other predictions. This is the prelude to Christ’s triumphant return to Earth. Therefore, let us not panic over the environment or the weather. Let us not make these a strange god before our one true God.
Artificial intelligence can be a wonderful tool for humankind. It helps correct my spelling errors in these articles that I input on my computer. Let’s just keep it as a tool, not an idol for worship. Some people fear that AI will take jobs away from people. We must never let this happen. AI must always be secondary. Human dignity and the right to earn a decent living must always be primary. We should not make AI a strange god before the one true God.
Instead of focusing all our praises on what comes from the hand of humankind, we should focus our worship on God alone. We are made in his image and likeness. Where do you think all that inspiration arises? It comes from God Himself.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.